Stratford Place Homesowners Assn.

Recap 6/4 HOA Transition Meeting

Posted in: Windsor Hills
Windsor Hills Neighborhood Meeting

Intro ?– The purpose is to discuss the transition of the development from developer to Home Owner?’s Association.

An agenda and information sheets regarding transitions were provided.

Background ?– Currently, Windsor Hills is 99.9% sold. According to the bylaws, the development was supposed to be turned over to home owners at 90% sold, nearly one year ago. Residents are concerned that the transition has not begun. We have many things to consider in the transition and running of the development. We should potentially hire a lawyer, accountant, engineering firm, and possibly a management company to review the state of the development and finances, and provide guidance to us as home owners. The developer stated that he would be organizing a vote for a transition team in November of 2007. Residents should expect a letter from the developer on or about Thursday, June 7.

Concerns/Comments ?–
1.) Transition is behind schedule; no definitive dates and timelines have been provided.
2.) Transition should be on ?“our terms?”. Some things are being done; some aren?’t. This is a business arrangement to protect our most valuable investment, not personal.
3.) Covenants are not being upheld consistently. We need to agree upon the covenants, then enforce them uniformly. Developer has taken too long to approve submitted requests for playsets, fences, etc., or not returned calls.
4.) Make decisions as a community, not have decisions forced upon us.
5.) According to the bylaws, dues were raised ?“illegally?” to $470 from $375. Cannot raise dues more than 10% without a majority vote by homeowners.
6.) May be major engineering problems with the development that need to be identified and addressed.
7.) Need a full and accurate accounting of all income and expenses. We have seen inadequate and incomplete financials. Need info about reserves. Need to know what is available to cover the transition costs for lawyers, accountants, engineers, etc.
8.) Lack of communication between developer and homeowners. Only one meeting in fall '04 to discuss issues. Need timely and complete info and formal meetings as a group. Need to use W.H. website instead of e-mail ?“gatekeeper?” so we can communicate with others regarding news, events, and information until we have a communications or newsletter committee in place elected by the residents. Complaints about individual residents should not be carried out in a public platform. Establish committee and residents can communicate directly with point person.

Next Steps ?–
1. Another meeting with more notice to ensure greater development participation.
2. Select a transition team to handle the biggest issues and serve as a delegation to communicate with Mr. Olson.
3. Establish timelines and hold people accountable for these timelines during the transition.
4. Be careful not to assume any liability with the transition team. We don?’t want an overlooked debt or problem to arise. We need to know who is responsible for what: developer, personal home owner, city, etc.
5. Have a management company or attorney provide us with general information and advice about transitions during the next meeting.
6. Make sure transition expenses are approved and will be covered by the developer.
7. Clear list of all developer?’s responsibilities and perhaps punch list of items to be completed prior to handoff to homeowners.
8. Request last five years of financials from developer with information about reserves and banking institutions involved.
9. Start forming committees and a permanent board. Start taking care of issues and making our own decisions on how things are run in our neighborhood.
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