A Note from the Founder
I grew up in a small town that was tightly interwoven with the so-called functional family, mom, dad, and the kids. Grandpa, Grandma, Uncles, and Aunts were also a part of the mix. It seemed that everyone else was either a cousin or the cousin of someone you knew. All of the kids that I hung out with were of the same scenario! Therefore, anywhere you went or most of the things you did, whether good or bad, somehow someone else knew about it. Taking a spanking from an adult relative was the norm and sometimes welcomed, especially if they did not tell our parents. Eventually some of them would tell on you anyway, therefore, another spanking was double jeopardy. Now, new laws have come into being that causes that to be a 'No,No for some. Now, only Grandma or Grandpa are the winners of that change.
This was part of the culture of my neighborhood, just like the old African proverb, "it takes a village to raise a child." Many spokes persons have recieved accalades from this proverb. Even Hilary Clinton used it in her presidential campaign to win votes and I'm sure she did.
SBC realizes that the old proverb does not carry as much weight in the communities of today, it has lost a good bit of its punch. This weakening has come about because of changes in our society and the lack of communication(harmony) between the generations, therefore weakening its members ability to come together to work as a unit. SBC's concept is aimed at strengthening the power of the communities by healing some of the wounds that are were caused by changes.
We must not let time, especially changing times, cause the good concepts to become fossilized. Some traditions should stand the test of times, while there are some that should experience a kind of fading away
Thank you