SBC's mission involves helping the people in the community on a group or individual level. We are concerned about the health and welfare of the individual because this is where it all starts. We connect with outside sources that are organized for the purpose of connecting with a community service organization such as SBC to reach individuals in need.
Let's take a look at alcohol and drug abuse counseling. Many of us have loved ones that have developed a dependency on substances that are harmful to their mental and physical health. What about prevention counseling for our youth that is gaged at speaking about things that we as parents are not even educated on. Prevention leads to a reduction in violence crimes, HIV/AIDS, STD's, rape, teen pregnancy, child abuse, and the list goes on and on ladies and gentlemen.
SHORELINE BEHAVIORAL HEALTH SERVICES approached STREET BRIDGE CONNECTIONS with their mission and how they could help the needed members of the community. SBC immediately made the connection with them. Now, as a result, we are able to connect with the community. This is how "one hand washes the other" and this is how we want to be involved in efforts to improve the community by helping its members. "it takes a village to raise a child".
Click "pages & links" or click here on link Please take a comprehensive tour of the website. If you can use their services, please contact us and we will help you get connected..