Student Nurses Association

MDA Grant Denied??

Posted in: St Andrews
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  • bzzoff
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Hello everyone! Been a long time not being here. (Hello Al...)

Just like everyone else, we have been waiting, not so patiently, for word on the Grant.

We have a denial letter from them we received yesterday saying that it has been determined that we are located within the pre-Katrina 100 year flood plain.

Not...that's interesting! I wonder why they say this since I bought National Flood Insurance Protection through State Farm after the storm. I also just received comformation of this from FEMA this week!! After calling Phil harvey Agency yesterday, of course Phil advised me that we had NEVER been in a flood zone and certainly we are not in one now! Neighbors four doors away from us have closed on their Grant and are awaiting their check. Go figure?

I don't know about all of you out there in cyperspace, but I know all of our situations are very comparable. We all do these things by the numbers. I have all of my ducks in a row and now I'm mad as a hornet! Wouldn't you be also??

I truly beleive these people are leaning toward the idiot side of humanity. Calling the number provided on the paperwork is futile and a waste of time.
This is worse than FEMA!

We would like to hear from anyone in Ocean Beach Estates or St. Andrews concerning Katrina. I don't have a PhD, but if two heads are better than one in problem solving, let's do it!

Some would think of me as being dumb, but we stayed in the attic during this storm. Never again will we stay for a hurricane from the West!

Buz Allen
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  • alpettigrw
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FEMA Flood Map

Buz, here is a FEMA flood map link for your appeal.
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