- rainesb36022
- Respected Neighbor
- Deatsville, Alabama
- 18 Posts
Meeting Minutes
Summerfield Home Owners Association
Mike Hall
7:00 PM
88 Sunchase CT, Deatsville
Denise Adams
Mike Hall – Vice President
Kristine Reis – Treasurer
Bruce Raines – Board Member/Neighborhood Watch Committee
Rob Stewart – Board member/Architect Committee
Kevin Costelloe – Board Member
Guy Vanderman Board Member
Vicki Lee - Board Member
Janice Qualls – Board Member
Key Points Discussed
HOA Attorney
Nick Hughes has been selected to represent the Summerfield HOA. Mike Hall and Guy Vanderman will meet with him to review the bi-laws and discuss the collection of homeowner dues, bi-laws, liability insurance, and erosion issues. Mike stated that Nick hasn’t indicated any up front costs to the HOA. Costs will be incurred if secondary and tertiary letters with liens are needed. If this coarse of action is taken, costs will be the responsibility of the homeowner. Guy has contacted Real Estate companies and will provide homeowners who rent property an update.
Current Board Status
Bob Wall has agreed to provide a letter stating the HOA presidency has been officially turned over to Mike Hall.
Guy has been researching the Summerfield By-laws.
There was a discussion on who can vote. Guy stated you don’t have to be a resident or homeowner of Summerfield to participate on the board, however, you must be a member in good standing in order to vote. To be considered “in good standing” all dues must be paid and current according to the bi-laws.
Vacant Lot Maintenance
The Treasurer has mailed a first notice letter to property owners who have lots requiring maintenance. He has also received an estimate from Dave and the lot maintenance ranges from $100 to $2500 to be completed. Guy will be sending the second notice after the meeting with the attorney. This notice will be mailed return receipt with a current picture of the lot condition before any action is taken.
Neighborhood Watch
Guy will work with an engineer to install 5 neighborhood watch signs. The signs cost $35 each.
Janice Qualls asked if a decision has been made about which set of covenants would be used. There are three different sets: Plat 1, Plat 2-7 and Plat 8. The square footage requirements appear to be the only difference between them. She will provide each Real Estate Agent a copy of the covenants when a house goes on the market so that the prospective buyer knows what to expect.
Treasurer Update
Guy received $100 rebate from the PNC bank for initial check printing and collected an additional $1300 in dues. Spent $210 on landscaping and $1200 on electricity. The electricity account was $800 in arrears, but is now up to date.
HOA Dues
86 people still owe dues for 2011. Guy asked if lot owners are responsible for paying dues because the articles of incorporation do not indicate that they are required to. The group recommended they do since they benefit from the HOA activities. This will be discussed with Nick and an amended set of by-laws will be created if necessary.
Yard Sale/Dumpster Day
There will be a neighborhood yard sale on June 16th and a dumpster day on July 14th. Bruce will solicit volunteers via the HOA website and next HOA meeting.
A subdivision July 4th fireworks fest sponsored by the HOA was discussed and will be an item of discussion at the next general membership meeting.
Next HOA Meeting Venue/Date
Several options were suggested for the next HOA meeting. The group agreed that having it close to Summerfield would likely result in higher attendance. Guy will follow-up to confirm a location.
Next general membership meeting will be July 11th.
Next board meeting will be June 20th
Action Plan
Action Item(s)
Target Date
Meeting with HOA attorney
Mike Hall/Guy Vanderman
Confirm venue for next general membership meeting
Guy Vanderman