Board Members: Position:
Clinton Helton Chairman of the Board and President of the Association
Rick Miles Vice Chairman
Charles Herleman Treasurer
Lisa Meriweather Secretary
Kurt Spitzner Member at Large
Michael New Maintenance Superintendent
Michelle Erfman Manager
Residents in attendance:
Call to Order:
The meeting was called to order at 7:05PM by Clinton Helton. The meeting took place at the Holy Love Lutheran Church, South Chambers Circle, Aurora, CO 80014.
Mr. Helton asked if a quorum was present. Lisa Meriweather, Secretary, affirmed that a quorum was indeed present.
Approval of Minutes:
The minutes of the January 17, 2001 Board of Directors Meeting were corrected and approved unanimously.
Treasurer’s Report:
February 21, 2001
1. Bookkeeper, Sheila Swanson has resigned her position. We are currently looking for an independent consultant that will review and close our books on a monthly basis. This position will require knowledge of our bookkeeping system, QuickBooks Pro along with a minimum visit requirement to the office at least once a month; two board meetings (with in a year) and the annual board meeting (making a total of 3 board meeting visits). They also must be familiar with the operation of a business in excess of $1mm in gross receipts. They also will not have an affiliation with ownership in our park.
2. All bank and reserve accounts mailing address have been changed to our Summit Park Office address. We are finally getting all statements and inputting the information in our office system in a timely manor. We are not receiving any homeowner dues (checks or cash) directly to the office (and this method will not change). This is all going through the lock box. The only checks being taken in at the office are delinquent checks and work out checks (homeowners with a payment plan to get caught back up with their dues).
3. We are receiving all copies of homeowner deposits allowing us to immediately input this information and know on a daily basis our receivable status. By using the post office mark on the envelope we are able to immediately give notice to a homeowner of their missed payment (in person!)
4. The implementation of having a board member present when a homeowner inquires park information, i.e. financials, budget, plans, when to consider planting roses on the back deck (which of course I had to refer to someone else), etc. has been, in my opinion a starting success. I have personally already met with two homeowners and they had some specific questions that were easily answered by getting information right off the computer. I actually was able to fax some info and they were very appreciative since they didn’t even have to go out in the snow to the office. This of course also allows the office to function with their daily business activities (since some of the questions asked actually couldn’t have been answered by the Property Manager).
Managers Report:
Maintenance Completed This Month
Snow Removal
Leaf & tumble weed removal
Breaking of ice between buildings
Bulb replacement/light repairs/light fixture repair
Roof & gutter repairs
Tall light pole repairs
Research and purchase of new grounds equipment
Policed grounds/perimeter
Other Items Covered:
Dumpster will be repositioned to the NW corner of the property as recommended by the city/ a site amendment is in progress for the dumpster
The round-a-bout is being renovated
Additional parking is now available on the round-a-bout
Summit Park will get pricing information for repairing the damaged brick pillar at the Enclave/ Clint will speak with the president of the Enclave before we move forward
Director’s Report:
No director’s report at this time
New Business:
Discussion and decision to have Delux Paint Centers supply our trim pain and brick sealant- motion made/ motion seconded
Discussion and decision to have Consolidated Exteriors to do the brick, caulking and sealant- motion made/ motion seconded
Discussion to look into refinancing the mortgage for the office unit-Interested in a 10 year mortgage, but some research will need to be done before a decision can be made. This topic will be added to next month’s agenda
There being no further business, Mr. Helton moved to adjourn; Rick seconded and the meeting was adjourned at 8:05 PM.
Minutes approved at the _March 21, 2001_____ Meeting of the Board.
__________________________ __________________________
Lisa Meriweather, Secretary Clinton Helton, President