Suncrest Villas HOA
Meeting Minutes for March 14th, 2007 - Call to order 6:00pm.
Members Present:
Jim Bahl
June Sinclair
Steve Rhoten
Jon Rhoten
Meeting Notes:
Introductions made and a quorum was established with 15 home sites represented. June presented the presidential report and reviewed the 2006 year end report from the HOA board to the homeowners. The key highlights for the last year included the old tree removal, overall landscape improvements, Chandler Grant research and the creation of the neighborhood web page [ ].
The HOA board then discussed raising the annual dues by $2 a month starting in January 2008. The motion was raised by Jun Sinclair and second by Jon Rhoten ?– no objections from the 15 homes owners. Overall discussion went well ?– everyone agreed the landscape improvements and increase in costs for maintenance was worth the extra money.
Jim Bahl went over the budget and financial records with no areas of concern. Members agreed to keep a minimum balance of $10K in checking account for reserves. Financial data also supports spending the next year upgrading the sprinkler system on a street by street basis (phased implementation as funds arise).
Election of the directors ?– HOA board asked for two volunteers to join, only one person available at this time. Welcome Vickie Fischer to the Suncrest Villas board.
Call to the Public (New Issues):
5526 Mercury Street water pipe issue with two leaks needs addressed. Evilyn has several dead bushes/plants that need replaced ?– Jim has details and contact information.
Guidelines for exterior house painting must follow the standard palette or approval from the board.
Members and HAO board agreed that many gates will need repaired or upgraded.
Garbage/Recycling receptacles are too often being left in the front yards of many homeowners. Fines will be given for repeat offenders.
Front yard d?©cor ?– any large furniture will need board approval before displaying in front yards. Block fence for back yards will need approval from the HOA board.