In March 2000, Mesa voters approved the Property Maintenance and Neighborhood Preservation Ordinance that require property owners to keep buildings and landscaping clean and repaired. The goal is to keep Mesa neighborhoods safe and attractive, and maintain property values. The new ordinance applies to outside areas that can be seen from the public right-of-way and includes yards, driveways, fences, walls, paint, roofing, sheds, windows and doors. This new code applies to everyone who owns or rents a home in Mesa.
The following list offers examples of items included within the Property Maintenance Code.
· Exposed, exterior surfaces must be structurally sound and have no holes, breaks, rotting, crumbling, cracking, peeling and rusting. Painted surfaces: no peeling or blistering of paint.
· Yards and landscaping should be well maintained and free from weeds and litter. They must be kept in good condition, and cannot show uncontrolled growth or general lack of maintenance.
· Materials, colors and finishes used on buildings, structures or exterior walls and fences must be consistent. For example, you may not paint half of your block wall and leave the other half unpainted.
· Exterior windows and doors should not be broken, missing or poorly fitted. Window screens should not be excessively worn or have any rips or tears.
· Canopies and metal awnings should be in good condition - no rips, holes or excessive fading.
· Roofs should be free from surface breaks, raised edges, and missing, curled loose, or excessively worn shingles.
· Exhaust ducts, air conditioners and evaporative coolers should be in good repair with no rust.
· Chimneys should be structurally sound with no cracks, deteriorated mortar, and missing or broken bricks.
· Fences, screen and retaining walls must be built with standard fencing materials, be free from graffiti, and should not be broken, dilapidated, unsightly, leaning or have missing blocks or slats.
No abandoned or inoperable vehicle can remain on private property in public view for more than 10 days, nor can it remain on a public street for more than 72 hours. If your vehicle registration is not current, the vehicle may be considered inoperable.
All vehicles parked in the front of your home must be on an improved dustproof surface and must be contiguous to a legal driveway and the parking area cannot exceed a maximum of 50% of the front yard area.
"Any abandoned or inoperable vehicle that is partially or wholly dismantled, discarded, wrecked, on blocks or similar devices, stripped, or scrapped; or a vehicle with a deflated tire or tires or from which a wheel or tire has been removed; or any motor vehicle which is inoperable due to mechanical failure or mechanical disassembly or other reasons which may be evidenced by the absence of an unexpired license plate lawfully affixed or assigned thereto."
You cannot store any watercraft, utility, trailer or any non-vehicle mounted camper shell or truck camper in the front of your home. This means you cannot even store these things in your driveway. They must be stored in your backyard behind a 6' fence.
You cannot park any commercial vehicle having a weight of 13,000 lbs or having dual rear wheels exceeding 17" in diameter in your yard or on the street at any time except while a commercial service is being provided.
To access complete Property Maintenance Code or to report violation(s) please contact us at (480) 644-2061, FAX a list to (480) 644-2897 or online at The address where the suspected violation is located is required. The City of Mesa needs the help of each citizen and appreciates your help in maintaining our neighborhoods with pride. By working together we will keep Mesa beautiful!
I would like to give credit to the Coodinators of the Marlborough Mesa Community for showing that our neighborhoods are valuable and worth getting involved in.