We membership is open to any resident of the Sunnyhills Neighborhood, resident of Milpitas that holds a interest in helping the Sunnyhills community or merchant who wants to work with us to better the neigborhood.
Both at meetings and on our Web site we only want to deal with, ideas,issues and concerns that directly affect the Sunnyhills neighborhood. Since many issues dealing with the city of Milpitas, local schools or county govenment, can also affect our community we will get involved in those issues as well when it is shown to have a direct impact on our neigborhood.
Our organization does not endorse candidates for any political office, nor support any causes dealing with state or national issues. Our organization is a local community group and would have little direct impact on subjects like foreign policy, abortion, national economics, or who wins the Presidency.
(See next paragraph about direct policital activities for candidates or causes)
We are a non-partisain organization. But we do encourage our community to be politically active by supporting non-partisian voting registration drives or voter education projects.
We will also allow any political group that wants to promote its issues among our residents by allowing such organizations to post meeting notices on our web site or in our newsletter.
This is not an endorsement of that group or organization. But in order to qualify they must have a local Sunnyhills resident as their main contact person for the area and we will give equal access to both sides of any political issue.