Andrea Woods presiding. Called to order 7:39 p.m.
Treasurer?’s Annual Report: $859.15; with 2000 Income totaling $151.84 and 2000 Expenses totally $424.20.
Minutes approved from 11/21/00 meeting.
Reminder that $4 individual and $5 family membership dues are due NOW.
I. Correspondence
A. Letter from Randall Fujiki, Director, C&C Department of Planning and Permits (DPP) regarding the Proposed Revision to the North Shore Public Infrastructure Map: Waimea Valley. Mr. Fujiki is requesting SBCA for input on the proposal. Referred to New Business.
B. Phone conversation with Jim Morisato (DPP): The permit for cellular antenna on Pupukea property was approved on 12/22/00. Conditions of approval included changing the antenna to the Haleiwa/Waimea property side and to use landscaping to minimize visual impacts. Currently ATT is not able to construct the antenna on the parcel due to access limitations, and an alternative site on the same property is under negotiation with the City.
C. Bill Howes provided SBCA Members copy of the North Shore Country Market, Annual Report, covering the community group's achievements: community projects, market site development, grant receipts, volunteer labor, etc. Copies are available to all interested.
D. Surf Contest Rule Change Update - Woods reported that Bill Balfour, Director, C&C Department of Parks and Recreation, had responded to SBCA's request for the surf rule contest procedure change, by informing SBCA that a series of public meeting would be held, one on December 20th at Sunset Elementary.
E. Pupukea Road Traffic Light Update - Woods reported that the light is expected to be functional in January.
II. Agenda
Election of 2001 Officers: Andrea Woods (President) John Cutting (1st Vice President), Randy Rarick (2nd Vice President); Chip Hartman (Treasurer)
Sue Cortes (Correspondence Secretary) & Pam Mills-Packo (Recording Secretary)
Motion to "Close Nominations" was made and seconded; Motion passed unanimously.
Motion to accept slate of officers made and seconded, Motion passed unanimously.
A. Kahuaola Drain Relief Project Report - Now in Final EIS stage. Amended plans call for removal of current ocean pipe and installing a flapper valve to discharge floodwater into the ocean.
Discussion addressed:
1. What about the Paumalu easement shown on the TMK map? The City said that the developer did not dedicate it to the C&C, therefore they don't maintain it.
2. Resident concern: Have some of the drainage structures been graded out? The resident was urged to contact the C&C DPP for more information.
B. Pupukea Marine Life Conservation District (MLCD) - update by Bob Leinau, State DLNR MLCD Task Force Community Member working on the problem since 9/99. Bob provided SBCA a copy of the Task Force's, Final Recommendations. Bob reported that the Task Force recommendations include: 1) include a bigger area for an increased keiki "fishery nursery", NO HARVEST AREA (area expansion proposed to include Waimea Bay & to extend the MLCD's ocean boundary by 100 yards more into the sea), 2) continue harvesting Limu kahu and Limu pe'epe'e, 3) No fishing, 4) boat entry allowed & fishing Kona crabs allowed, 5) severe limitations to fishing at Waimea Bay, and 6) no limitations to diving (although Dive industry is working on voluntary system to limit diving impacts).
The DLNR staff is incorporating fishermen's concerns into draft. Public hearings will be held later this year.
Motion: SBCA to DLNR a send letter supporting the Pupukea MLCD Task Force's Final Recommendations.
Seconded. Passed Unanimously.
D. General Recreation Committee Report - by Phyllis Shipman, Chair.
1.) Don Griffin, of the C&C's Department of Design and Construction will visit SBCA at our March 2001 meeting.
Will Ho; Windward Parks Director will address the next North Shore Neighborhood Board meeting but "under orders of Bill Balfour, can't discuss Capital Improvement Projects.?”
2) Phyllis expressed her committee's discussion that it (the SBCA Recreation Committee) should take a comprehensive overview of the North Shore area, (Alii Beach Park to Kawela Bay). The committee wanted to investigate underdeveloped land parcels (including federal and state lands) that could be designated as for park use. The committee recommended that a request for design funding be put into the C&C Parks and Recreation budget.
3) Discussion - This could be handled as a Vision project and with Rene Mansho's help. The area includes 4 support potential parks: Kawailoa, Chuns, Laniakea, and Leftovers, that could use design help. Members questioned if SBCA should be working outside its area of responsibility (outside Sunset Beach). Mention was made of the Rural Oahu Initiative, which is trying to enhance visitor parks as a big picture support for the visitor industry and residents.
4) Phyllis and Committee's recommendations:
1) Request these 4 beaches to be put on the C&C DDC's list for support park design,
2) Planning to focus on Big Picture; long and short range planning.
3) Seek funding to keep rural area as a recreation area for whole island.
4) Create a "Unique Assets" National Park.
5) Create skateboard park at Bonsai (mauka)
6) Integrate with Farmers' Market and new Recreation Building
ADOPT a master plan, rather than a piece meal approach.
5) SBCA member question: Velzeyland properties are being developed and the City did not buy them. Andrea to follow up with Dept. of Design and Construction for more information.
6) Sunset Beach Support Park, Phase II. - C&C to need more funds to complete the viewing platform, bus parking, etc. Don Griffin will be asked to address this project in his March visit with SBCA.
7) Pupukea Beach Play Apparatus - out to bid, no response yet
E. Vision Projects - update deferred to next meeting.
1) New: Property for Sale at Ehukai Beach Area
Motion: SBCA to send letter to C&C to purchase the property in front of Pipeline and extend Ehukai Beach Park.
Motion died due to lack of second.
Follow up: More Sunset Beach resident input needed, should be on SBCA agenda for discussion. Randy to gather more information.
F. Surf Contest Rule Change Update
Andrea reported on the December 20 meeting at the Sunset Beach Elementary School regarding setting Surf Contest Rules, which although not widely announced, was well attended by over 70 people. They expressed that the Community did not accept C&C proposed rule changes. Currently Will Ho's C&C, DP&R staff, are rewriting the rules and will present them again to Bill Balfour by the end of February. According to Ho, Balfour didn?’t seem to have a problem with 4 or less contests per site and no simultaneous contests, but he is firm on the ?“blocking?” concept. Deciding upon the criteria is left up to Ho and staff. According to Corp. Council, Dept. of Parks & Rec must make the final decision if there is a conflict. After Balfour?’s review, it goes back to Corp. Council. There is no time line, but the Public Hearings would come after that.
G. Report on Navarez property deferred to next meeting.
III. New Business
A. C&C DPP wants to solicit comments regarding the change in public infrastructure land designation so the City can start purchase process of Waimea Valley. The change would make private land become public land.
Member Discussion:
A. Arboretum - support continuation as a park but park must be maintained sufficiently.
SBCA recognizes Waimea Valley Park as an irreplaceable asset to our environment, therefore purchasing the property will keep it open to the public, but it must be mandated that all be done to maintain its unique natural environment.
Motion: The C&C should purchase Waimea Valley Park to ensure public access to this natural & cultural asset. Seconded. Those in favor: 7 Those against: 0 Those abstaining: 3 Motion passed.
B. Board of Water Supply Construction.
Motion: SBCA to notify the Mayor, Rene Mancho and Cliff Jamile (BWS Chief Engineer) that contractor terms should specify that work be finished 3 months after commencing. Motion seconded and passed unanimously.
C. Tax assessments raised.
D. Tow in surfers got ticketed for making waves in wake area and for being within 3000 feet of the shoreline.
E. Rene Mansho introduced C&C resolution to permit McDonalds drive through in Haleiwa - on next week?’s Neighborhood Board Agenda for discussion.
F. There is new fencing at the Boy Scout area in Pupukea to keep motocross bikes out. Earl Pawn of DLNR, DOFAW is in charge of that project.
Meeting adjourned at 9:43 p.m.
Submitted by - Pam Mills-Packo, SBCA Recording Secretary