Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood Council 41 was reconized on June 20, 2002 by Mayor Lee P. Brown as the 35th Super Neighborhood to join a coalition Super Neighborhoods around the City of Houston which consist of Civic Leaders, Political Leaders, Religious leaders and Business Leaders in an endeavor to indentify and develop solutions to mutual problems.
Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood 41 Executive Board and Representatives/Shakeholders are very concern about the members we represent, the school system, the recreational facilities, the road way, the local government, the crime and the future planning of our area.
We meet in our general assembly on the first Saturday of every month. Click on ''calendar'' for the time and location and you are welcome to join us or you could contact the Executive Board:
President, Jana Coachman
Home: 281-827-0655
Fax: 281-835-3309
Secretary, Charles Ross
Home: pager:713-709-91
Fax: 281-437-0130
Vice-President I, Elaine Bishop
Vice-President II, Fletcher Simpson
Assistant Secretary, Effie Greer
P.O. Box 2353
Houston TX 77459
President, Delores Williams Franklin
Fax: 281-438-2700
Treasurer, Velma Hogue
Chaplain, Theodore Deaver
The Super Neighborhood Council 41 is a non-profit corporation seeking the rights, power and status of a non-profit corporation under the Texas Non-Profit Corporation Act and other laws of Texas, of those powers which may hereinafter be conferred to seek (i) a consensus and provide citizens with opportunities to advise City Council on issues important to each neighborhood; (ii) to undertake a wide range of neighborhood improvements projects determined by the members; (iii) and with cooperation from the City of Houston to identify and develop solutions to mutual problems.
Super Neighborhood 41 is organized to promote the civic betterment and social welfare and well-being of those certain residents, business and property owners within the boudaries of the Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood 41 area, to promote and engage in the activities for their use and benefit
The Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood Council is be open to any civic, business, faith-based, non-profit, or other community-based organizations that are stakeholders in the Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood area. The Fort Bend/Houston Super Neighborhood Council shall consist of duly designated representative of each eligible organization.
The boundaries of the Super Neighborhood 41 is generally bound by Beltway 8 and the City of Houston boundary which generally extends south of Willowbend Road, north of Mchard Road, east of F.M.2234 and west of Hiram Clarke.
Super Neighborhood 41 greatly appreciate your contributions, donations and would like to thank you for your support that is needed on a regular and voluntarily basic.