"By working closely with citizens and community groups, noticeable improvements have been made in neighborhoods throughout the city..."
Anyone can be a victim of burglary or other crimes. Despite our best precautions, we often feel alone and vulnerable to crime. But there is a vital protection tool available - something residents in a community can do by banding together, in connection with local law enforcement agencies, to prevent crime before it happens.
The Neighborhood Watch concept centers on the community and police working together for the safety and protection of a neighborhood. It is an organization made up of citizens concerned about their neighborhood.
Neighborhood Watch is one of the most effective and least costly answers to crime. Watch groups are a foundation of community crime prevention, they can be a stepping stone to community revitalization.
Download Vacation Watch Form
USAonwatch.org October 2007 Article about Tampa's Neighborhood Watch Program
District One (813) 354-6692
District Two (813) 931-6541
District Three (913) 242-3816