what is it going to be braintee?
new teachers, policemen, firemen, townhall personnel; new roads, new schools, additions to schools, renovated town hall, town hall annix,
new water plant? all of the former?where is our plan for acquiring our wants, what is our plan for realizing our needs?
years of shortsightedness and fractured leadership have resulted in a town in dire need. too many years have seen our tax dollars go primarily to new hires and employee salaries and benefits. We know we are currently running on deficit spending, taking from one line item to satisfy another, spending allotments as soon as they are received. yet, what action do we take to curb our expenses. NONE no, we in fact hire more employees, increase the salaries and benefits of others (even if contractual, might we not have negotiated differently?). we increase future budgets knowing those budgets are already in the red. why? why cann't our leadership be responsible and simply say NO to additional spending? does braintree need additional policemen,firemen, schoolteachers, additional school rooms, revamped town hall, new roads, a new water plant, etc., YES; can braintree afford these items now, NO. Someone should look at the salaries of all our employees in comparison to surrounding communities; possibly we could put to rest a common detriment to a debt-exclusion which is little to no trust in leadership. is our budget, or is it not, overinflated in the salary category; do we, or do we not, have an over abundance of employees? i doubt you will see an override in braintree until these questions are answered. and keep in mind, as long as we continue to build residential homes our infrastructure is drained, our need for support personnel increases, our schools reach a saturation point. how many residential units have been built along liberty street, how many are being built off pond, west, and hammett place? how many residents can this town support before it crashes?
By me