On January 23, 2006, we had our Annual Meeting for the Sycamore Run HOA. We elected a new board of directors for the Association, and on February 6, 2006 the new board members met to assign positions for the 2005 year.
The positions are as follows:
Ed Tolle - President
Email: ejpetey@sbcglobal.net
7028 Lavender Court
Home: 881-4734
Dan Kepler - Vice President
Email: dan@thekeplers.com
7319 Sycamore Run Drive
Mark Frank - Treasurer
Email: indymark@sbcglobal.net
7265 Sycamore Run Drive
Home: 887-3041
Jeff Spence - Secretary
Email: jspence001@sbcglobal.net
7326 Sycamore Run Drive
Home: 888-1561
John Morand - Architectural Chair
Email: jtmorand@sbcglobal.net
7141 Sycamore Run Drive
Home: 884-1478