Taft Houses Tenants Association

Noise Pollution

Posted in: CB9M - Community Board 9 Manhattan
Vehicle Alarm Noise Complaint

Further up-date:

On Friday March 23rd, 2007 car alarm blaring since early evening and all night long parked on Broadway off West 136th St. at 11:ooPM idneitifed the vehicle make,model, color and license place. called 311 several times and was connected twice to 911 -no action from 30th Precinct due to two serious crimes committed at 145th and 151st.
Faxed the details to the Precinct and complained about alck of action. On Monday 3nd April the same car alarm parked on Broadway only a few feet from West 135th St. same car as previoulsy identified. alarm started on and off from early evening, at about 9:00pm went to identify the vehicle for a complaint and on arrival coincided with a Sgt and several officers responding to neighbors complaints. Engaged officers in conversation pointing out this is same vehicle subject of my complaint the previous week. Sgt called emergency vehicle which diabled the alarm and issue EDp noise ticket for $1000 and requiring court appearance.

This was done very publicly and conversations were henld in English and Spanish conveying the idea that such would be treatment of all such cars with unatended alarms creating noise complaints.

RESULTS: No further noise complaints due to car alarms so far and even other type of noises seems to have abated.

MORAL OF THE STORY: Complaint to the Police Dept., call 311 and fax them with full particulars of miscreant vehicle or people so they can do their job, don't jsut complaint about the alarms or noise be specific and provide full information for identification purposes.

may we address you as sir or madam?
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