Recent Communications-T.N.W.A.

Posted in: Tampa Neighborhood Watch

Feb 13, 2007

Feb 13, 2007
Tampa Neighborhood Watch Assn.

From: Karen Mullins MullinsK@HillsboroughCounty.ORG
Tampa Neighborhood Watch Assn.

He (Samuel Mobley)has sent in an update for TNWA just before yours. I need to know if
his group has a different name. Thanks for your help!

Ms. Mullins,

Samuel Mobley was removed from the office of Tampa Neighborhood Watch
(TNWA) by a vote of the members of that organization. If he purports to hold
the office of President of TNWA please be advised he is misleading you, as
he does not currently represent TNWA in any way.

Mr. Mobley has been informed by registered letter that he is no longer
to act in any way or otherwise present himself as the President of The Tampa
Neighborhood Watch Incorporated. His removal from office has been quite
perplexing. He simply refuses to believe that the majority of the members
did not like the things he caused to happen to and within the organization.

Although I cannot tell what to do; I can speak as the current President
of TNWA requesting and advising you not act on requests made by this
individual if they involve TNWA.


Norbert Holz,

President Tampa Neighborhood Watch


Mr. Holz, please contact me concerning the Tampa Neighborhood Watch
Assn. I have two entries in our database for this association, yourself
and Samuel Mobley. I need to clarify the names of these two entries.

Greetings Ms. Mullins,

Mr. Mobley has been removed from the position of President of Tampa
Neighborhood Watch Inc. I am the current President of TNWA. Thank you for
clarification of this matter.


Norbert Holz

President TNWA

By Norbert Holz
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