Tanglewood Residents' Association

January Meeting

Posted in: Tanglewood
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  • Lawman0760
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.News from last meeting;

At the January meeting, the President of TRA, Steve Jarema, notified the board that he was resigning his position due to having to relocate.  Everyone is going to miss Steve and his dedication to TRA.  We enjoyed his leadership and he will be missed.  We wish him the best of luck in his new adventures. This means we now have another open vacancy: President.  Anyone interested in being on the Board please contact any Board Member and express your interest.  At the February meeting your interest will be announced. 

All TRA Business will continue under the Vice President until  the position of President is filled.


I brought up the following question, does the neighborhood want to renew our Annual Neighborhood Garage Sale again?  There was great interest in this program.  In the past, we would have an annual garage sale and either a member/board member would be the contact person and collect all the money for the permits and a little extra.  The extra money would go for advertising in the San Antonio Express announcing our Garage Sale.  In the past, we had families come from as far away as Del Rio. We will be voting on this program at the February Meeting.  We have found two banners we used in the past and will decide on what date to hold the Neighborhood garage Sale.  In years past, the garage sale was held the third weekend of April.  If you have any ideas or comments please attend meeting or post them on the website or write tratimes04@yahoo.com  


It was also discussed that the newsletter is mostly ads therefore this website will be our main link to our neighborhood news.  There will be articles written in the newsletter along with the TRA

e-mail address for communications, contacts, and updates.  We pay no fee for our Newsletter therefore we have no input on what is placed in the newsletter. 

Currently TRA is having it's Neighborhood Membership Drive.  We have added banners to our main entrances, with this web address.  If you still have your Newsletter see your application on last page for membership or on this link.  You can join either by using Pay Pal or check.  Join today the fee is $15.00 Single Membership  or  $25.00 Two Members, this Association is open to Owners and Renters. Membership is from January 01, 2013 through December 31, 2013.


The Crime Report will continue to be posted on this web sight. 


We still need Block Captains on certain streets.  A Block Captain main responsibility  is to greet new neighbors and welcome them to our neighborhood.  They also organize for National Night Out where your neighbors get together and socialize for a few hours and get to know each other.  If you are interested please contact one of you board member Matt Smock who is in-charge of this program.  You can leave a message on this website with any board member. Together we can become stronger and more secure neighborhood.


Any direct comments or notifications can be written to tratimes04@yahoo.com  and the Editor will forward the information to the right board member for action or reply.

Hope to see you at our Regular Meetings.  Meetings are always open to all our neighbors.

See this Web Sight for meeting dates and location.

Carlos  Madero

Vice President TRA


Please let me know when & where the next TRA meeting will be held.  I would like to attend on a regular basis with a few interested and concerned friends.  

Thank you,

Karen Florczak  Embarassed

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  • Lawman0760
  • Respected Neighbor
  • San Antonio, Texas
  • 8 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Dear karen Florczak,


Thank you for joining and posting to our new TRA web sight.  To answer your question our next meeting will be Thursday 3-14-2013, at the Police Prue Rd Substation, from 7 -  8 PM.  We hope to see you there.  Also on the front sign in page you will find at the top of the page a column and if you click on Discussion it will list several topics. From Newest to Oldest.  Look for TRA Meeting Dates and click on it and it will open up and give all the dates of our TRA Meetings.  They will all be on Thursdays but not always on the 3rd Thursday of the month.  Time of our meetings will be the same 7:00PM to 8:00PM.

Again Welcome and hope to see you there.


We are in process of changing editors and have openings on the Board if anyone is interested please let us know.  I was voted in at the last meeting to take over as President of TRA till elections in October.  That leaves a vacancy for Vice-President and John Thornton was also elected to take over Cindy's  position as Editor since she and her husband are relocating also,

Carlos  Madero - President TRA

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