At our last meeting on February 21st, we had been informed that or Editor Cindy Crownover was looking to relocate and that her time would now be limited and that we should start looking for a new Editor for our Web Sight. We now have a New Editor John Thornton and we welcome him on board.
Also we had lost our President due to relocation and promotion to Dallas Tx. I happy and grateful to report that the Board voted me to take over as President till elections in October 2013. I am Honored to fill the position till elections.
The Board voted on the rebirth of TRA Annual Garage Sale for the 3rd weekend (Saturday & Sunday) in April, banners will be hung at the entrance signs for the Announcement. Board Members Matt Smock and John Thornton will be in charge of collecting fees for permits and advertisement's in local News Paper and Craig's List. Please look for additional information on this Web Sight for More Information when Posted.
Thank You,
Carlos Madero - TRA President