by Steve Zimmerman, 8/31/11
Steve Klein brought in several pieces of equipment Tuesday evening and immediately started working on the dry lake project. By noon on Wednesday (August 31st), big changes could be seen. Rick Smith mowed the grass up on the sloped banks while Steve Klein’s tractor and shredder cut the tall grass and weeds in the lake bottom.
With the mowing completed, the task of removing the dried grass and debris began. This will be hauled off site by dump truck. A significant discovery was made when the old posts and tree trunks were removed from the fish habitat area. One particular post had been buried about four feet in the ground. When removed, it was noted that sand was visible in the bottom of the hole. This was thought to be an obvious source for a leak. Klein has planned to bore several test holes around the lake bottom to check the depth of clay that covers this sand. Where the clay cover is shallow, clay from other parts of the lake will need to be redistributed to maintain a proper clay depth.
The above photo shows Steve Klein at the controls of his machine as he scrapes up the dry grass and weeds that will be hauled away.
John Deere meets John Deere
The work is proceeding rather quickly due to the availability of this equipment. Work will continue through noon Thursday. Steve Klein is requesting a civil engineer associate to stop by and inspect the work.
Plowing up the bottom will help with the decomposition of the grass and close any cracks and fissures in the clay.