Go, Go, Go?– J-Lo, Go?– J-Lo,. Every song that she makes is great but then when you see the video its even better. Now ?“I?’m Glad?” is one of them. When I heard the song I thought it was hot but when I say the video it was something else. She killed it up on stage even thought she's just like that.
Now to some thing else.
A new documentary on J-LO is said to have aired on Wednesday the 30th of April called, ?“Behind the Behind?” on British television channel 4. but there's a few problem to that, one of her family friends will tell it to you; ?“"She's another Hollywood star who's forgotten where she comes from". May be its true cause of the fact that she has not been home in the Bronx, but shopping downtown with her Bin. Some one like her one of her family ?“friend?” has also said ?“"She's very artificial -- more artificial than a plastic nose." Hey maybe that?’s not really a friend.
ProFile: Jennifer Lopez
Basic Facts:
Real Name: Jennifer Lopez
Birthplace: Bronx, N.Y.
Relationships: Ojani Noa (divorced); Sean "Puffy" Combs (relationship; no longer together); Cris Judd (2001; filed for divorce, 2002); Ben Affleck (engaged)
Fact: The daughter of Puerto Rican parents, Lopez danced for music videos and on stage, and then was selected to be a Fly Girl for TV's In Living Color.