July 24, 2014
Our next community meeting will be Monday, July 28th at 2:00 pm. Bring your FISH donations at that time. We will have a guest speaker from Monroe Utilities.
Ladies’ Lunch: Several ladies have shown an interest in going out to lunch. If you are interested please stay after the Monday Community Meeting to discuss where you would like to go and when. Sounds like a lot of fun!
Our July 4th Community Social was a huge success. Thanks to Jim Elder and his helpers for such a great job. Jim is in the hospital in Athens. Please keep him in your prayers.
Welcome to Betty and Terry Jeffries. They have moved into 831 Stone Creek Drive. Please let them know what a great caring and friendly community we live in.
There will be a memorial service for Ralph Bunzey at the Clubhouse on August 2, at 11:00 am. Refreshments to follow.
Dates to Remember:
July 28: Community Meeting, 2:00 pm at Clubhouse. Bring your FISH donations. Plans for a Ladies’ Lunch to follow.
August 2: 11:00 am Memorial Service at Clubhouse for Ralph Bunzey
August 7: Men’s Fellowship, 9:30 am at the Clubhouse
August 11: Board Meeting, 2:00 pm at the Clubhouse
August Birthdays:
3rd Maureen McCombs 14th Shirley Casper
8th Bob Casper 16th Peggy Roe
11th Jay Bartlett 22nd Jan Roberts
August Anniversaries:
8th Ken and Linda Rittle