October 26, 2014
Election Day is Tuesday, November 4, or you can vote early at the County Courthouse on Hammond Drive.
Bill Day and his Crew put on a super Low Country Boil on October 4. There was an abundance of good food and fellowship with cooperation by the weather too. Thanks to Bill and all his helpers. It was wonderful! Looking forward to next year already.
Community Meeting: Our next meeting is November 17, 2:00 pm at the clubhouse. Our nominees for this year’s elections will be announced.
Thank you Don Miller for getting our pine straw order delivered so quickly.
Thanks to our Beautification Committee (Jan Roberts, Doris & Chic Morgan, Perry Nell Sorrells, Pocket Patterson, Betty & Jim Faris) for the transformation of our big island. Greenscapes did a great job. The final cost was $13,902.00. We will purchase 2 benches for the patio soon and Donnie Mingis did a fabulous job of refurbishing the existing bench. That will complete phase one. We are so pleased we only lost a few azaleas in the process. Thanks for your support.
December 20 (Saturday) – Community Breakfast/Brunch. Details to come.
Dates to Remember
November 2: Turn your clocks BACK 1 hour.
November 4: Elections – Please don’t forget to vote.
November 6: Men’s Fellowship, 9:30 am at clubhouse
November 10: Board Meeting, 2:00 pm at clubhouse
November 10: Ladies Lunch, 11:00 at clubhouse, destination to be determined
November 17: Community Meeting, 2:00 pm at clubhouse
November 27: Thanksgiving Day
November Birthdays
6th Betty Gaubert 16th Mildred Varner
12th Bob Gaubert 19th Tim Collins
November Anniversaries
3rd Wendell and Carolyn Wendt
18th Bob and Shirley Casper
28th Bob and Betty Gaubert