August 25, 2015
Card/Game day. Several of us have been meeting on every other Thursday at the clubhouse at 1:30 to play games and/or cards. Join us for lots of fun.
Our Fall Social will be hosted by Betty and Bob Gaubert along with their Stone Creek Drive helpers on Thursday, September 24, 1:00 pm at the clubhouse. Menu: lasagna, salad, garlic bread, desserts and beverages. Chef Jake Shields of the Monroe Country Club will prepare the meal. YUMMY!!!!!
The next Community meeting will be on Monday, September 28, 2:00 pm at the clubhouse. Bring your FISH donations at that time. Thanks
Pine Straw – If you need pine straw please contact Don Miller at 770-207-9870 with how many bales you need. The long needle straw is now $4.00 per bale and $5.25 per bale if you want it installed. Don must have the order and money (make checks payable to Harold’s Pine Straw) no later than September 20. The delivery of the straw will be on September 24-25 depending on the weather. Rain date is September 28-29. This is good clean straw so give Don a call as soon as you can.
ELECTIONS: This year we have three offices up for election; president, treasurer and member at large. If you would like to run for office, please contact a board member. We also are looking for a nominating committee chairman. If you would like that position or would like to be on that committee please contact a board member.
Dates to Remember:
September 3: Men’s Fellowship, 9:30 am.
September 14: Board Meeting, 2:00 pm.
September 3 & 17: Game/Card day at the Clubhouse at 1:30 pm
September 24: Fall Social – Clubhouse at 1:00 pm
September 28: Community meeting at 2:00 pm at the Clubhouse
September Birthdays:
2nd Mary Bunzy 15th Paul Hartl
6th Mike Roberts 15th Don Spoon
7th Jim Elder 20th Mary Frazier
7th Gloria Horn 24th John Sorrells
7th Betty Jeffries 25th Garland Peters
27th Kevin O’Connor
September Anniversaries:
2nd Paul and Shirley Hartl
7th Bob and Sharon Carr