November 24, 2014
Happy Thanksgiving !!
ELECTIONS: Two new members were elected to the Board at our November Community meeting. Effective January 1, 2015, Julia Collins will be our new Board Vice President and Jim Wilson will be our new Secretary. Thanks for joining our Board. Since we only had two nominees and we had a quorum, we held the election during the meeting.
Also, we voted to accept the revised Design Standards and Guidelines (Mike Roberts delivered a copy of the Design Standards to each household) for the Modification Committee (MC). The MC consists of Larry Roe, Peggy Leicht, Barb Thompson, Donna Ferguson, Donnie Mingis and Bob Carr. The new Design Standards and Guidelines will be effective January 1, 2015.
DECEMBER BRUNCH: Our next social will be held at the clubhouse on Saturday, December 20, 10:00 am. Bacon, sausage, hash brown casserole, scrambled eggs, biscuits, coffee and juice will be served. Come join us for good food and fellowship. We will have a short meeting following the brunch.
VENDOR LIST: Please add the following plumber to your vendor list:
Mel Sewell, 678-618-6743.
Dates to Remember
December 4: Men’s Fellowship, 9:30 am at clubhouse
December 8: Board Meeting, 2:00 pm at clubhouse
December 8: Modification Committee Meeting, 3:00 pm at clubhouse
December 20: Community Brunch, 10:00 am at clubhouse
December Birthdays
4th Betty Faris 4th Bobena Hewell
6th Terry Jeffries 10th Sandy Smith
11th Hazel Drummond 24th Sara Bartlett
26th Lonnie Johnson 26th Ken Rittle
28th Minnie Johnson 29th Don Miller
December Anniversaries
4th Lonnie & Minnie Johnson 25th Bob & Jean Richards
30th Donnie & Barbara Mingis 29th John & Perry Nell Sorrells