January 27, 2015
We had our annual community meeting on Monday, at which time our 2015 budget was approved. Our new Vice President, Julia Collins, will be your contact person for reserving the Clubhouse. Call her @678-635-7358 to make reservations. If no answer please leave a message. A monthly calendar is posted on the bulletin board on the clubhouse porch. Julia is also responsible for the cleaning service and supplies for the clubhouse. Larry Roe, Member at Large, will be our liaison with the lawn care company and clubhouse maintenance. Our next community meeting will be Monday, March 23rd, 2:00 pm.
If you are planning a project on your property, please get a blank modification form from a Modification Committee Member (Barb Thomson, Donna Ferguson, Donnie Mingis, Peggy Leicht, Bob Carr or Larry Roe) before you start. NOTE: Tree removal does NOT need a form if it is damaged or diseased. If the tree is healthy but you want it removed, please get a form. Also, a replacement tree of some sort is highly recommended for any tree that is removed.
Peggy Leicht is taking over the maintaining of the library in the clubhouse.
Don Miller reported that our next pine straw (long needle) order will arrive in early March. If you need pine straw, call Don @770-207-9870 with your order NO LATER THAN FEBRUARY 25. $3.50 per bale delivered or $5.00 per bale installed. Checks will be made out to Harold’s Pine Straw.
Our first social will be Tuesday, March 17, (St. Patrick’s Day). 6:00pm at the clubhouse. More information will be coming soon.
Dates to Remember:
February (Sunday) 1, 8, 15: Ladies cards, 2pm at clubhouse
February 5: Men’s Fellowship, 9:30 am at clubhouse
February 9: Board Meeting, 2:00 pm at clubhouse
February 14: Valentine’s Day
March 17: St. Patrick’s Day Social, 6:00pm at the clubhouse
February Birthdays
19th Shirley Hartl
February Anniversaries
12th Jim and Sarah Wilson
24th Terry and Isabel Prater
25th Jim and Barbara Starbuck