Timber Bay

Minutes February 21, 2014

Timber Bay Property Owners Association

Regular Board Meeting

February 21, 2014


Directors present:   David Mallory,  Suzanne Morrison,  Earl Scott.

                Absent:   Gregg Tyler,  Darlene Kasper (present by proxy for voting)

                                Joined by Henry Blackwell after nomination.

Members present:   Tallulah Olsen,  Sira Pinero,  Carol Williams,  Leo Scott, Tina and                   Russell Green,  Russell Onka


David called meeting to order.

David stated he had received the email asking him to step down as President.    Suzanne presented Darlene’s proxy giving her the right to vote in her absence.

David asked for the motion. 

Suzanne made a motion that David step down as President to Director.   Earl 2nd

Motion passed.

Suzanne stated David was still a Director.  David declined to stay on the Board and stated he resigned. 

Suzanne proposed Leo Scott be appointed as an officer of the Board to act as President. Leo declined.

David stated he had installed garbage cans and the Board needed to discuss bags and who would empty. 

Charlotte Mallory presented papers she kept on this years meetings.  She presented bids for road repair from Waters construction and stated Waters would not be able to do the job for a few months.  She stated Mr. Waters had died and that is why they had not answered Suzanne request for a bid as things were a little confused during this time.

Charlotte stated she was not able to get any of the road companies to submit their bids on David’s form.

David stated he had talked to the bridge people from Polk county and they stated they would not advise replacing the culvert on Schooner.

Charlotte stated there were pictures showing the culvert inside and out, and the roads over the culvert.

Suzanne stated a member had given her the name of a person in Trinity that is an engineer and would come and give us an educated opinion on our roads and culvert.

David stated the cost for the garbage cans was $0.

Suzanne thanked David for his service.

Suzanne made a motion that Henry Blackwell be appointed to fill the vacancy on the Board.

Earl called Henry and asked him to join the meeting

Leo Scott then accepted the invitation to act as President temporarily.

Suzanne then presented an agenda, and asked that we have a prayer.

Suzanne said the prayer.

Henry Blackwell arrived.

Suzanne restated her motion that Henry be made a director.

Earl 2nd.

Motion passed.   Henry accepted.


Leo asked that the minutes be read. Suzanne read the minutes.

Leo asked for motion to accept minutes.  Motion made, 2nd  Minutes approved.

Leo then asked for the treasurer’s report.

Suzanne presented Treasurers report on behalf of Darlene.

Discussion on amounts still owed.

Motion made to accept treasurers report.  2nd  Motion passed.


Leo asked for Old Business.

Suzanne stated a member had asked that we revisit the Boards decision to replace culvert.

Since no action had been done on the replacement, Darlene had asked that the discussion and decision be tabled until she could be present.

Suzanne made a motion to table the culvert decision indefinably.

Henry 2nd.

Motion passed.

Henry commented he believed we had the money to do the roads and the culverts.

Suzanne stated that a member had suggested we get a hold of Charlie Carson, an engineer for an expert opinion and that after the elections she would ask for him to come look at our plat.

Leo then asked for discussion and decision on road repair.

Suzanne presented new bid from Waters and old bids.

Leo stated he had talked to several members and his opinion was that we needed to reclaim and replace the road sections.  .

Henry Blackwell made a motion to accept CCC’s bid.

Earl asked to amend motion to accept as long as the bid price was still good.

Henry allowed the amendment.  Earl 2nd.  Motion accepted.

Suzanne stated she would contact CCC.

Other Old Business:

Leaving gate open on Sunday’s. 

Discussion of whether there was sufficient interest and how many would like and dislike.

Leo stated his opinion was that the reason we have the gate is to keep it closed unless member entering or exiting.

Suzanne made motion to table the issue indefinitely. Henry 2nd.  Motion passed.

New Business:

Henry stated Greg Tyler had someone steal gas out of his mower.  No action.

Suzanne stated we needed to discuss Ballot preparation, which would included nominations for the Board of Directors.  Discussed nomination committee.

Suzanne volunteered to be on committee.

Leo stated we needed 3 for the committee. She explained what the committee should do to vet the nominee’s .  She stated they should be a member in good standing, have a desire to maintain and improve the community and know Roberts Rules of Order.  No other volunteers to be on nomination committee.    Discussed possible nominees and opinions of requirements for being a Director.

Other new Business= Garage Sales.

Member asked what months were garage sales and commented she thought there was a specific week--such as the first week in April, that everyone was suppose to use if they wanted to have a garage sale.  She felt if there were several in the Plat on the same days it brought in more people.  It was suggested that people put notice on mail box bulletin board of date when someone was considering having a garage sale and see if everyone could agree on time and date.

Earl commented that there can be times when someone is moving, someone needs to have an estate sale, or other events that  could happen that would bring up a need to have a garage sale on dates not allowed by our rules and we need to accommodate these events.

Another member commented that the old Board tried to always allow garage sales as long as they had enough notice of the time and date.  It was suggested that we do the same and ask for a 2 week notice.   Leo asked for a motion.

Suzanne stated we should not change any rules at this time in our administration since it would require a notice be sent to everyone and a new Board would maybe change it in a couple months.  She thought we should just agree that anyone inquiring about garage sales be informed we would try to accommodate their times.  Leo commented he would accommodate requests.

Tina Green commented that if members let her know the date and time, of garage sale she would put it on the marquee by the gate.

Other New Business.

Suzanne  commented since we were not able to change our Deed Restrictions for an automatic annual cost of living raise in our Assessments,  she felt we should ask for one.  Member commented we might be able to put it in the By-laws that the Board ask for raise every year, so that our budget does not shrink due to inflation.

Suzanne made a motion we ask for the same cost of living raise that social security used for 2014,  1.5%.  Earl 2nd.  Passed.

Earl asked if we needed to change the By-laws.  Suzanne stated that would be for future Boards and would need to be done legally.


Discussed next months meeting.  Subject of annual meeting preparations. 

Next meeting:  March 21st 2014  6:00 pm

                       At 110 Sloop Dr.

Henry proposed we adjourn.  Suzanne 2nd   Adjourned 7:15pm


Submitted by  Suzanne Morrison,  Secretary

Not official until approved.

Posted by TBPOA on 03/02/2014
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