Tone Estates

February 2002 Meeting Minutes

Tone Estates Community Association
Board of Directors Meeting
February 11, 2002

* Below is an excerpt from the actual meeting minutes. All names and addresses have been removed *

The meeting was called to order at 7:05 pm.  There were three Board
Members, three homeowners, and one representative from Tillett Property

A motion was made by boardmember and seconded by a boardmember to
appoint a homeowner to fill the position of treasurer.  The motion was
unanimously approved.

Management will prepare sign in sheets for future Board Meetings.

Homeowners Concerns
A Homeowner sent in a request to install a 10? red brick walkway from
the gate to the driveway.  The Board unanimously approved this request.

A Homeowner submitted a request for a security door.  The Board
unanimously approved the request.

A Homeowner sent in a letter asking for something in writing from the
Board approving their compliance for their front yard design.  The Board
approved the changes.  It was suggested that photos be taken to keep in
the file.

The minutes of the last meeting were discussed.  A motion was made by a
boardmember and seconded by another boardmember to keep the same
detail in the minutes.  The motion was approved.

Management was asked to send the minutes to the secretary for signature. 
Secretary will email them to the other Board members for their comments. 
The final copy will sent back to Management, signed by the Secretary. 
The minutes will not be posted on the website until they are approved by the
Board at the next Board Meeting.  This was motioned by a boardmember,
seconded by another boardmember and approved by all.

The following corrections were approved for the January minutes:
·    The 7th paragraph should state that no one was actually being stalked.
·    The non-approved ?fort? was called in by a neighbor.
·    The 2nd paragraph under Management report should state that one work
order is still outstanding because one of the locks has not been installed yet.

Financial Report
Treasure reported that the landscaping to date is under budget.  Management
will make sure the transfer to reserves gets done on a monthly basis.  The
financial statements show it was not done for January.

The new financial statements are prepared on a cash basis.  Treasure stated
that he would get together with Management if he had any questions.

Treasure stated that 12 homeowners are delinquent.  The Board would like
these accounts resolved quickly.  Management will send a reminder letter
out on the 15th of the month the payment is due.  The second month a
stronger letter will be sent out advising the Homeowner that an attorney
will be contacted for collections.  The third letter will come from the
attorney.  The attorney will send out a demand letter, issue a lien, then will
send a second demand letter.  Once a judgment is filed, the attorney will
move forward with garnishment.  A late fee of $10 will be charged on the
15th of each month that the fees are not received.  All attorneys? fees will
be charged back to the Homeowner who is in collections.  Management
will provide copies of these letters at the next Board Meeting.

The final paperwork has been received from City property.  Treasure
agreed to look it over.  He will report back to the Board at the next
meeting and make recommendations on what may need to be done to
pursue unauthorized payments, etc.

Management Report
Property Management will be in contact with a boardmember and the
representatives from Ryland Homes to go over the issues on the
drainage ditch again.

The Board was given copies of all of the violation letters that were sent
out.  Management was asked to add the wording ?respond or comply?
in the first paragraph after the fine is noted.  The Board suggested
Management look at the weeds on some of the lots.

A Homeowner was sent a letter asking them to fill out a request form
for the fort like structure that they built in their back yard.  Management
reported no response to date. 

There was some discussion on issuing automatic fines for failure to
submit for Architectural Approval prior to the construction of a
permanent structure.  A motion was made by boardmember , seconded
by boardmember and unanimously approved to have Management get
a legal opinion that allows the Board to issue automatic fines.  In the
meantime, the Board unanimously agreed to have all notices sent
regarding not getting prior approval on an Architectural item, be sent in
violation letter format.  If there is no response within 30 days or the
structure remains unapproved after 30 days, fines will be assessed for
non compliance.  The Board would also like to inform homeowners
that after the 3rd notice for leaving a trash can out, there will be an
automatic fine issued.

A Homeowner did not respond to Management?s request for
additional information.  The Homeowner was asking that late fees
be waived.  The Board agreed to send this Homeowner to the next
step in the collection process.

Management was asked to contact Gilbert to find out if they would
install a sidewalk at the end of Constellation Way (Tract T). 
Management will also contact Ryland homes.  The Association should
be reimbursed for installing gravel in this area prior to it being turned over.

The street sign that is missing from the corner of Harwell and Rockwell
may have been removed by a child from the neighborhood.  The Board
will provide Management with an address.  Since a police report was
filed, the address will be reported to the police department.

The Board asked Management to obtain a bid from Ultimate Lawn
Care to replace some of the damaged plants with boulders or replace
the plants and add boulders to the existing landscaping. Maybe this will
help deter people from running over the plants.  It appears the vehicle
doing the damage is either a golf cart or a go cart.

Old Business
Management reported the Board must post Association minutes,
meeting notices and financial statements by newsletter, conspicuous
posting or by any other reasonable means determined by the Board. 
A motion was made by boardmember, seconded by boardmember
and unanimously approved to post all the documents on the web page. 
This will be noted in the next newsletter.

The contract with Ultimate Lawn Care was signed by the President
after the Board?s changes were made.

New Business
A boardmember presented a draft of a newsletter to be sent out in
April.  The Board will review it and make suggestions for additions
or changes at the next Board Meeting.

A boardmember asked Management to get a date from Ultimate
Lawn Care as to when the park area will look like a lawn again.

With there being no further business, the meeting adjourned
at 9:05 pm.

The next meeting is scheduled for March 11, 2002 at 7:00 pm.

Posted by tone on 03/19/2002
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