Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

19 July 2007 - Meeting Minutes

Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

Minutes for the Meeting Held 19 July 2007 at Carly Rae’s


Welcome – Philip DiBlasi, President (at 7:05 pm)


Treasurer’s Report – William Kessler, Treasurer - $2624.16


DuPont Manual Apartments & Toonerville Trolley Park – Herb Warren

Herb Warren presented a brief history of the building and his relationship to it. Coincidently Herb owns the DuPont Mansion Bed & Breakfast on 4th Street.


DuPont donated $150,000 to the Louisville School Board to build a manual (trade) high school for “white” children who were not going to attend college and the school was built. However, the focus changed and it became a regular school. However, the school outgrew the building and it was boarded up. The property was purchased by the Underhill Group using federal Housing and Urban Development (HUD) funds and the property became subsidized housing. After the mortgage and tax credits ran out, the property was bought by Mr. Warren and his partners. No HUD money was used, so they are not restricted as to whom they can rent. They have put $250K into the building. Possible long-term use may involve selling as condominiums.


There are 18 one-bedroom units, 6 two-bedroom units and 4 townhouse units (two bedrooms). All units are over 500 to just less than 1000 square feet.


If you have complaints about the property or its occupants call Herb Warren (445-7348). If you have potential tenants, refer them to Herb.  visit


There is a book on the history of DuPont Manual, entitled Stand Up and Cheer. It was published in 2006.


Festival in Toonerville (6 October – Saturday of Saint James) – Paula Cundiff

Paula Cundiff was not present, so Phil directed everyone to the flyer and email (attached to the back of the agenda). The Toonerville Festival is dedicated to cancer survivors and their anniversary is the same weekend as Saint James Art Festival. Paula needs our help at the Festival at the Chapel of Saint Philip on that date. She could also use help in preparation. If you want to help email Paula at


Fundraising – Aaron Jent (unless otherwise stated)

  • Neighborhood Wide Yard Sale (4 August). The neighborhood yard sale is advertised by OLNC and is held on Saturday, 4 August. Because of the advertising, it should draw people into the neighborhood. If you want to have a yard sale – this is the weekend to do it.
  • Vendors Booth at Music Festival in Central Park (24-26 August). Aaron is going to be looking into the idea that TTNA can sell lemonade and food or maybe even sell beer at the Music Festival. There may be issues with selling beer in a city park. If you are interested in becoming involved in this TTNA fund raiser call Aaron at (387-9673),
  • Tote Bags for Sale at Saint James (6-7 October) – Dennis Lisack & Aaron Jent. Aaron and Dennis have done their homework and provided color pictures of several different types of tote bags that can be imprinted with the new Toonerville logo. They also looked into Tee shirts, but realized that we would have to make several different styles (men’s & women’s) and many different sizes to be successful. The investment is just too large to sell Tees. However, they provided options for several types of totes in terms of costs versus sales prices and the resulting funds generated. The whole idea is to get these read for sale at a Toonerville booth at Saint James. What a better idea than to sell totes so people can take home their purchases from the art fair?


There was some discussion concerning the quality and sizes of the various totes. Several members seemed to like the larger and “fancier” models. These would cost more to make and therefore be more expensive to sell. Next month, Dennis will bring some actual examples for us to examine and decide which we want to have made.


  • Toonerville Note Card Sales (update) – Dennis Lisack. Dennis brought the box of note cards. Several packages were sold at the meeting. We plan to sell the note cards at Saint James, in our booth. Dennis asks for your help in selling cards before the art fair. Right now, they are for sale in the Old Louisville Information Center on Oak, a few of the B&BS in Old Louisville and Carmichael’s Book Store. If you want to buy cards and/or sell them to friends and neighbors, please call Dennis at 635-7503. Dennis is particularly interested in any business that may want to sell the cards. If you know of any, give him a call.


Crime Issues What Do We Do? – Rick Barcenas Drug Deals at Floyd & Oak and Prostitutes at Floyd and Ormsby


Rick and Lynn Barcenas are new to Toonerville and have noted the criminal activity in the neighborhood (see above). Obviously, they are concerned and asked for advice. As we have been told in the past – call 4th District Dispatch (574-7111(note the time you call, the officer’s name and the response time – keep a log). It is also good to tell them they you want to speak with the responding officer. This tends to let them know you are serious and provides more accountability on the part of the police.


Phil also related that Helga Ulrich (Crime and Safety Chairperson) has suggested that any criminal activity be reported at the monthly Crime and Safety Committee meeting, held at the 3rd Monday of each month at the Central Park Substation at 7:00 pm. By reporting the activity and getting to know the officers and commanders, you get on the police radar as a concerned citizen and the criminal activity is noted. When the police see we care enough to show up, they respond to our calls.


If you cannot make the monthly Crime and Safety meetings, at least call Helga at 608-8006 (cell) or 637-6647 (home) and she will bring your concerns to the committee.


National Night Out in Toonerville Trolley Park (7 August) – Aaron Jent

Toonerville has decided to move its monthly meeting to 9 August and it will be held in Toonerville Trolley Park at 7 pm. However, we will be cooking hot dogs and providing soft drinks at 6 pm. Fifty dollars was authorized by presidential fiat for supplies.


Remember there is a 7 August 2007 National Night Out gathering in Central Park (near the police station) at 6-9 pm. There will be ice cream and games for the children. This celebration is supported by 4th Division. For more information, call Officer Shane Justis at 574-7010.


New Business?

Several of our members are not receiving the OLNC Newsletter and have not gotten it in years. We need to get the list of our members to the OLNC people, so our members can get all the news that’s fit to print.


Oh, yeah, and Phil forgot to provide a sign-in sheet. Therefore, here is a list of MOST of the people who were at the meeting:


Aaron “fast fingers” Jent

Adam Andrews

Bill “money man” Kessler

Chris Hart

Dale Tucker

Dennis “note card” Lisack

Ethel Hazard (new person)

Gale Tucker

Herb Warren

Hugh “party guy” Williams

Jan Hemberger

Ken “future councilman” Herndon

Ken Cordle

Lynn Barcenas (new person)

Phil “disorganized” DiBlasi

Rebecca Kessler

Rick Barcenas (new person)

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