Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

18 June 2009 - Meeting Minutes

Jul 14, 2009

TTNA Meeting Minutes
18 June 2009
 Attendance: Jodi Bessinger, Jan H., Phil DiBlasi, Kristin Furnish, Don Driskell, Bill Walsh, Dick Irby
 Opening ?– Welcome and Round Table Discussions
Phil opened the meeting @ 7:00 pm
 Review of Minutes from Last Meeting
 Financial Report: Aaron was not present to give report
 Ongoing Business
Two-way Streets- This is in the works. Still awaiting bids for the traffic study.
PIC: Nothing
~Zalu: Nothing
~OLNC: Crimes reported; 3-4 Black Males assaulting people. Gardening thefts; plants being stolen. Reminder that every Thurs. there is the Oak Street Strut. Herb Fink is really sad that Central Park is being neglected. OLNC discussed budgetary issues to be tabled and to be looked at next mtg. Contributions to OLNC and the park is down.
~Crime and Safety: Bill talked about a gang of boys causing problems. They live around Juanitas (Burnette & Brook). Bill?’s son was accosted. Discussed rooming house next to Smurf-village being busted several times. Discussed apartment building on Ormsby & active prostitution.
Chamber of Commerce: OLCC is starting to put all the association newsletters online.
501(c)3 Status: Still working on this per Phil
Toonerville Dog Park: Jodi discussed that committee has met two times and we are planning on meeting w/ Metro parks to discuss design. The committee has design plans and costs. The plan is still to have the urban dog park using the tennis courts.
Old Louisville Yard Sale check w/ Linda Puckett.
Limestone Wall: Kristin reported that St. James Court Assoc. is willing to give us more money for the wall. Discussed how to proceed. Discussed them doing this on a contingency. The wall will be re-bid
TTNA Newsletter discontinued.
Movies in the Park: none

 New Business
Building Concerns:
Community Events: There is a picnic on Father?’s Day in Central Park. Discussed getting together at Omar?’s 6/26/09 @ 6:30 pm. Discussed choosing a restaurant to have OL neighbors meet at and get together. If you are planning on attending contact Dick Irby 290-9092 or Linda Pluckett
St. James Festival: discussed the idea of the after-st. james festival that Aaron has discussed. Need more information from Aaron.
Toonerville Totebags: No updates. Phil to check w/ Dennis.
National Night Out- Ourbacker Court has invited all neighborhood associations to join their party. Kristin will get more information at the next OLNC mtg.
** Dick Irby may start attending OLNC mtg. for Kristin as she starts classes.

Meeting Adjourned; 8:25 pm

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