Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association

January 18, 2007 - Meeting Minutes

Feb 16, 2007

Toonerville Trolley Neighborhood Association
January 18, 2007
Chapel of St.Philip Neri
1) Welcome and introduction of new officers 2007
* President: Phillip DiBlasi
* Vice President: Aaron Jent
* Secretary: Jodi Bessinger
* Treasurer: HelgaUlrich


2) Treasurer?’s Report - Helga Ulrich
Helga reviewed financials for last year and passed out balance sheets. Helga indicated that TTNA?’s revenue for 2006 was $485.00 and expenses were $730.00 resulting in a deficit for last year?’s budget. Total bank balance was $2,777.48 for the 2006 fiscal year.

Helga also reminded members to send in the 2007 TTNA individual ($10/year) or family membership ($20/year) dues as soon as possible. You should be receiving the Old Louisville Journal as part of your TTNA membership dues. If you are not, please contact Helga and she will ensure that you are placed on the mailing list. Phil will place an advertisement in the Old Louisville Newsletter/Journal inviting all TTNA and neighbors to the next meeting. Deadline for submission is 2/1/2007.

3). Reviewed Old Business and Last Year?’s Accomplishments:
* Flowers and Bulb Sales: should we continue this if it does not make any money? If we have people who are willing to work hard and sell, it can generate money. Who wants to volunteer?
* Gardening projects for St. Phillips: Kevin Kouba will provide consultation. We will schedule these in the spring and early summer?
* Property Improvement Committee (PIC) - Helga to attend these meetings and report to TTNA.
* ZALU (Zoning And Land Use) Committee - Aaron will attend and report to TTNA.
* LMPD -Helga attends those meetings and will report info.
* OLNC ?– Old Louisville Neighborhood Committee ?– a committee made up of the various neighborhood associations ?– we need someone to attend for TTNA (are there any volunteers?)
* TTNA supporting two-ways streets and decreasing trucks from traveling down Old Louisville streets. There is presently a truck ordinance regarding Brook Street, however it is not enforced. Phil presented a letter to Property Improvement Committee stating that TTNA supported two-way streets on Brook Street and asked for their support. They approved the request unanimously.
* Toonerville Adopted Toonerville Park (corner of Oak and Brook Streets)
* Satellite dishes seen from the street- some neighborhoods (Chapel Hill, NC) fine residents/owners $2000.00 a dish visible from the street. Please continue to report satellite dishes to Don Driskell ( who will, in turn, report them to the PIC.

4). New Business:
* Allocation of Committees:
o Toonerville Park: Jodi, Irene and Aaron will head the committee to beautify the park on the corner of Oak and Brook Streets.
o Fundraising Committee: Aaron will head the committee. Please see him if you want to participate. Some discussion occurred about having the TTNA booth at the St. James Festival.
* Phil discussed concerns regarding EMS traffic using sirens and lights down Brook Street when they are not necessary. Concerns expressed that ambulances are using their lights to get through intersections and to transport clients for their appointments, which are not considered emergencies. It was recommended that Phil write a letter from TTNA association expressing concern and observations and evaluate Metro Safe?’s response. Helga recommended that we could get a list of all EMS runs and why they were transporting from Metro Safe. TTNA members, especially those along Brook Street, are asked to keep track of EMS runs including exact time of day.
* 1341 Floyd is being used as a rooming house. Phil is to send Helga an e-mail about this and she will bring this to the ZALU members.
* Block watch captains from Hill and Burnett reported that they have had a run of break-ins in the alleys. They are looking for more individuals to join block watches in the TTNA neighborhood. More info to come. If you are interested in Block Watch ?– please call Helga Ulrich (who coordinates this activity in TTNA at 637-6647)
* Metro council has appointed a new city arborist who is assessing the need for trees in the Old Louisville area. Trees can be purchases by residents for approximately $200.00 each if residents do not want to wait for the city to plant trees on local streets. It was discussed and recommended that TTNA consider purchasing trees for St. Phillips Church. No decision made yet.
* Announcement made that St. Phillips will be having their 10th Anniversary Chaplin Celebration on 3/25/2007 and food will be provided. St. Phillip will also be having a street fair on 8/4/2007 (READ the most recent Chapel News). More information to come.

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