Trabue Woods Subdivision Homeowners Association, Inc.

Car Lot?

Posted in: Trabue Woods
HOA missing

Beef up the HOA all you want. When's the last time you heard from them? Do you know what THEY are doing with our money? It is the HOA's responsibility to make sure that Deed restrictions are followed, including contacting CPD if cars sit longer than 72 hrs. If they don't help enforce City Code violations and don't communicate with us, which they haven't for TWO MONTHS,then what good is this Board? Time to let someone else in.
Here is a question

Have any of you that have complaints even bothered to go and talk to any of the HOA board members about them? Seems logical to me.

Or is it just more fun to post on a message board


Sadly, I see volumes of uninformed repose; a reason NOT to use this site for communication. Posted remarks can be subject to misinterpretation. How about a factual response? I volunteered endless hours, including composition of the upcoming Newsletter. My goal was to improve communication and the HOA's reputation. My encounter with the Board was a difficult one, plagued with disorganization, missed timelines, miscommunication, absent Board members for planning, informational and decision making meetings, indecision, desire for extravagant spending rather than determining the solidity of our HOA, and shockingly, belligerence from certain Board members. These are documented facts! I resigned as a volunteer when things appeared NOT in the best interest of my property values, a major reason to support an HOA. Unfortunately, other volunteers followed suit. Everyone must work cohesively to rebuild the HOA to assist us from becoming a slum, the direction in which we are headed. Has your property been appraised lately? My 2007 paid appraisal came in $30,000 BELOW the sale price of our home in 2000. This is why we need an HOA! It can be efficient, effective and full of positive effort. It seems our Board isn't working out so well, but at least they tried. It also appears some Homeowners aren't the best to work with either. What's worse? There are always two sides to every story so let's stop throwing daggers, become informed and work together! We can get the right people on the Board and in office. I'll throw in my hat...what about you? Want more? Email me!


In response to your posting regarding the cars, Mindy noted on a discussion topic just 2 or three down from your entry, where Kevin Cross, President of the HOA had been contacted by the Columbus Police telling us that thieves are using our neighborhood as a drop off point for cars that have been stripped. Maybe some of the cars you are seeing are those?

As far as cars with For Sale signs on them, if they are there over 72 hours, have you called the City of Columbus Mayors Action line 311 to tell them about the cars? If not, why don't you?
We all have to take ownership of our neighborhood not just the HOA. It is all of us working together that will make this neighborhood better.

If you wish to talk about this some more you may email me and we can talk about it.

Thank you,
Judi Murphy
VP Trabue Woods HOA
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