Trampolines. Not to bounce a dead horse, but ...

Posted in: Windsor Hills
  • Stock
  • winhillres
  • Respected Neighbor
  • Windsor Hills, OP, KS
  • 12 Posts
  • Respect-O-Meter: Respected Neighbor

Here's a few tidbits that may help you in your fight.  These were common arguments against tramps:

Property Values?  Trampolines are portable and do not effect the long term value of a home (let alone an entire SUBDIVISION as has been suggested by the uninformed alarmists).  There is no data out there that supports any other conclusion - I challenge someone to find a study and post it.  I've already researched it and found nothing.  Dog runs, greenhouses and/or sheds are more permanent fixtures and do decrease property values.  Different issue completely - what you need to worry about is what the ECONOMY is doing to our property values right now. 

Safety?  You don't want your kid on a tramp....then do your job as a parent keep him/her outta my back yard.  My kids are both well educated on the do's and dont's of jumping and they are both still alive (despite the email in another post from some high and mighty health care worker saying they'd have their brains hanging out of their heads if they so much as touched one). 

Liability?  That's MY problem to worry about, not yours.  Butt out of my financial matters and we'll all get along much better.  I work in the industry and your HO policy cannot be cancelled that easily in KS.  Once again, uninformed alarmists spewing disinformation on subjects they know little or nothing about.

Basically the "option" we were presented was to pointlessly collect a ton of signatures by going door to door so we could fall well short of the 2/3 vote required.  I'm a realist and I know that there's no way we were going to get enough signatures so the "solution" we were handed wasn't a solution.  Rather than try to work with us and grandfather in those who were allowed to do this before or present an alternative....they (HOA Board) got nasty and threatened to cut off our trash service, pool access and impose fines. 

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