- gheber
- Respected Neighbor
- 24 Posts
Everyone feel comfortable they know the qualifications, positions, etc. of the BOD candidates?
I'm stunned at how little campaigning I've seen.
I had a conflict and couldn't attend last night's event. But I think I got a good idea from the very first event of where the candidates stand.

- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
Bob yells....''I'm Mad!''
Bob Alexander got up to speak at Kiker last night and held up the 5 candidate sheet and yelled ''I'm Mad!''
He continue to complain about how the sheet was in his door with the newsletter, and how unethical it was of the candidates to have it with the newsletter etc.
The candidates had no control of when the CCHOA newsletter was to be delivered. Period. The candidates paid to have the sheet delivered. No HOA funds were used.
Where was Bob and his anger when the BOD sent out BOD propaganda with our money? How about the CCHOA voter guide that came in everyone's package for the last election, when the BOD told everyone how to vote on each issue.
We paid for that.
Was Bob mad then?
Bob said he welcomes communication and will answer residents if they have questions. I emailed Bob last Sunday. I've yet to hear back from him. I've heard back from all the other candidates I've emailed. I don't have Matt C. and James B. emails. Matt and James, if your reading this please email me so I can ask you some questions.
Another Bob problem (that neighbors have pointed out to me), at the first candidates meeting Bob ''forgot'' the name of the Parks Committee person. It turned out to be Dwayne Dow....his friend, the sign thief who was exposed on news 8 Austin. Bob & Dwayne were 2 of the Hecklers from the November Town Hall. They sat together. They talked with folks together after the meeting.
A note, Richard Relph is the only candidate that does not believe Homeowners should have the right to speak at the monthly BOD meetings. I don't think that thought will work for what we need in the new CCR.
All the other candidates seem great to me. That's just my 2 cents.

- 2russ
- Respected Neighbor
- 417 Posts
About Bob...
I think Bob shot himself in the foot. We need calm, deliberate, cool-headed directors for CCHOA. Emotional outburst are not the hallmark of a professional or a community leader.
Ditto on ignoring email. I, too, wrote to Bob Alexander about the Communications Committee that he chairs and also to that same committee via CCHOA office email, and I never heard back from him, either. Email isn't that hard to respond to and it doesn't interupt you like a phone call.
I did appreciated Bob's wife reading his prepared statement at the first CCHOA candidate's debate that he was not able to attened, However, I got the impression from that statement that he fetl like everything was going well with CCHOA. I could hardly agree. I'm happy that so many highly qualified candidates have stepped forward to run our HOA and I would be the first to admit it's hard to chose the 5 best.
The 5 canidates who decided to run together on their comon platform have made that choice much easier for us. Those are the 5 that I will vote for. If you agree, I would ask you all, once again, to sign your CCHOA PROXY to me me or one of the 5 canidates that are running together, so that we can vote as a block.
This technique worked so effectively to get Quentin Fennessy elected last month and it must have made the process of counting votes that much easier for the staff and volunteers. It's hard to lose a block vote and like last time, we can verify our own count with the official count.
Send me your Proxy.
Come to the annual members meeting if you can, but please let me have your proxy to vote with.
Good things are happening....
Russ Hodes

- cdietz
- Respected Neighbor
- 9 Posts
Nice Letter Russ
Hello Russ
This was a very civil letter you wrote Russ.
It was unfortunate that Mr. Alexander lost control of himself. This could prove to be a handicap to a board member.
It is important to remain in control of yourself and act in a professional manner in a position of authority.