- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
Tonight, I am very offended.
And you should be to.
Quentin Fennessy won the election a couple weeks ago fair and square. He's a director of the CCHOA, just like O'Reilly and Rigsbee.
But, O'Reilly and Rigsbee are treating Quentin Fennessy like the ''Ugly Cousin''. They will only let him watch the nominations committee, but they have stripped him of any director authority on that committee. He was fairly elected as an equal, but they are not treating him as such.
The latest newsletter states that he is a ''non-voting member'' of the committee. Other residents such as Toni Guckert and Allen Young that are on the nominations committee, will actually have more authority than Quentin Fennessy, and he was elected as a Director.
If you are offended as well, email O'Reilly, Rigsbee and the info center today.
Demand that Quentin Fennessy has equal authority on the nominations committee. If they don't listen to you or the other members of our HOA, make a commitment to gather proxies for reform candidates (those that will sign the ''Code of Ethics'') for the election at the end of this month.
Enough is enough.
Get a Grip, Sal
How much hollering would you be doing if any of the other directors, Rigsbee and O'Reilly, were voting members of the committee?

- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
Nameless Anonymous person,
Nameless Anonymous person,
I understand why you don't use your name in your posts. If I made as much sense as you, I wouldn't use my name either.
But, you should continue to post your thoughts, the mildly retarded need to voice their musings.
If you have someone read the newsletter to you, you might be able to grasp the facts. Jim O'Reilly IS a voting member of the nominations committee.
Neighbors, demand that Quentin Fennessy has equal authority on the nominations committee. If they don't listen to you or the other members of our HOA, make a commitment to gather proxies for reform candidates (those that will sign the ''Code of Ethics'') for the election at the end of this month.
Allan Young and Toni Guckert, speak up for your newest board member.
email O'Reilly, Rigsbee and the info center today.
Sal is an Idiot
The newsletter doesn't say whether O'Reilly is a voting member of the committee or not. Learn how to read, Sal. If this is such a problem, why doesn't your man Fennesy have the guts to say anything about it?