- imacsal
- Respected Neighbor
- 590 Posts
Did you know the Circle C Child Development Center is classified as a nonprofit?
Did you know $1,000 per home helped pay for it? (many of the current Circle C homes).
Did you know that it has only 1 BOD? (I called last week - it's Gary Bradley)
Did you know that it's one of the most expensive day care centers in South Austin?
How can a nonprofit, that was also subsidized with large amounts of money, be one of the most expensive day care centers in South Austin?
We Need Competition!
I'm glad this came up - because this is a big pet issue of mine...The CDC does a fine job, but the waiting list for infants is up to one year. It's also VERY expensive...This is partly due to the severe shortage of quality child and after school care in this part of town. If I'm lucky enough to be elected to the board, I will lobby Stratus and other commercial developers to set-aside space for another quality commercial daycare faciity. Such a facility is desparately needed - and would probably fill up the day it opened...This would allow more parents to keep their kids closer to home and shorten their commutes. I think that's the least the commercial developers could do for the neighborhood!
I agree, we couldn't afford it.
I looks like a great place but we coundn't afford it. We went elsewhere. Doesn't seem right?

- ls0909
- Respected Neighbor
- 420 Posts
More Information is Welcome
I am going to do an investigation about this so called nonprofit child development center. I know this child development center is subsidized by Circle C homeowners of $1,000 per house. 3,000 houses x $1,000 = $3,000.000. Wow! Three million dollars! Is this building made of gold?
By now we should all know that Gary Bradley loves $$$ very much. And he knows how to make a lot of money at the expenses of the taxpayers and Circle C homeowners. I truly doubt he is a person would run a ?“nonprofit?” business.
Please post as much information about the CDC here as possible. You would make my investigation a lot easier. If you don?’t feel comfortable to post the information here, you are welcomed to send me e-mails. I would not post your e-mails at circlec.cc if you don?’t want me to.
If I have enough evidence to prove that Gary Bradley is running a very profitable business but to claim it as nonprofit, I would forward this matter to our Uncle Sam for investigation.
In this country we all should pay our fair share of taxes. It is the price we all have to pay for living in a civilized country.