4. Duties of the Treasurer:
a. To have charge of collection and custody of all funds belonging to the association.
b. To require receipts for disbursements and to keep vouchers showing to whom paid and for what purpose.
c. To have banking checks and order co-signed by the president or other officer if the president is unable to do so.
d. To submit accounts and treasury records for an annual audit or more often if deemed necessary.
e. To submit a financial report at each regular meeting or more often if deemed necessary by the board of directors.
f. To chair the budget committee.
5. Duties of the Sargent at Arms:
a. To assist the president in maintaining orderly conduct at all meetings.
b. To assist other officers in special functions.
c. To verify attendance at general or special meetings.
d. To be permanant host for meetings.
e. To make sure that meeting locations are made ready prior to meetings.
6. Trustees:
a. There shall be three (3) trustees. One (1) shall be elected each year at the end of the annual meeting for a term of three (3) years.
b. Duties of the Trustees:
1) To act only in an advisory capacity to the board.
2) To provide continuity and to assist in the orderly transition of authority from one (1) administration to another.
3) Their judgement represents the final word in the interpretation of the bylaws when necessary.
B. Vacancies in Office:
1) Presidential vacancy to be filled by the Vice President until such time that a new president is elected at the next meeting, special or regular.
2) Vacancies in any office other than the president shall be filled by appointment made by the president with the approval of the remaining board members until elections can be held at the next scheduled meeting, regular or special.
C. Impeachment:
1) Any officer who continuously fails to perform the duties of his/her office or is otherwise deemed unacceptable for office may be removed from office by a majority vote of the members as per Article VI, Section A.
D. Terms of Office:
1) Terms of office are to be one (1) year, excluding Trustees.
E. Standing Committees:
1) Activities Committee:
a. Appointed by the president.
b. Purpose is to plan and perform special and seasonal activities to be approved by the membership.