Tucson Downtown Lions Club

Parking violations!!!

Posted in: Midvale Park
Is it just me, or is no one else noticing how many violations of the CCR's relative to parking in yards. Doesn't this cheapen our homes? Doesn't this lower the property values for us all? Why do the powers that be use the excuse of ''we don't work on weekends?'' when this is reported!! If we get to throw this one out, which one of the ccr's will be dissed next?? Help!
Good point!

We have atrocious parking behavior! Some people park next to their front door. Others park all over the sidewalks while their garage is empty. You?’re right. The HOA needs to enforce the CC&R?’s. Here is how you can help them with their system. First, make a complaint. http://www.midvalepark.org/complaint.pdf You can?’t be anonymous any more. You?’ll have to give your name. If you don?’t want to do that, contact me and I can help you.
Park Wise is the City of Tucson?’s system. http://dot.ci.tucson.az.us/parkwise/ Have your specifics before you call.
You can also call the police at 791-4444. That is the non-emergency number. Last night we were given a Midvale specific number too. I?’m not sure what that is. If the behavior is predictable, the officers can put it into their schedule.
Finally, there is getting to know your neighbors. It?’s difficult, but once you have a relationship you can talk about those sorts of things. We are a community. That means we have a desire to a part of a neighborhood. We have a responsibility to get to know the people in our neighborhood. And we also have a responsibility to conform to rules we all agree on.
ccr's of no value

Probably keeping our yards looking nice will be the next to go, if it hasn't already.
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  • Tucson, AZ
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This violation of our AGREED UPON CCR's by virtue of buying in Midvale is attrocious!! So much for where anyone parks anymore! I have neighbors that part not a car in their yard, but at times 3-4!! Also have one on my street that has a car near his front door, not in a driveway, for over 2 months! This is not weekend happenings, but ongoing, constant, so any powers that be in charge of correcting these violations are simply NOT doing there jobs!!!  What's next...a violet house w/ yellow and pink polka dots!!  


And, no, I can't put here what I REALLY think!!!!!! 

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