Unity Residents Council, Inc.

Block Clubs/Crime Watch

Posted in: Brookside
February 9, 2007
Would anyone like to discuss their thoughts about this topic? Does your block have/ had/ or desire one? How has it enriched your life on the block? Do you want info on starting one? Our block has had one for several years. My experience has been positive for the most part. Probably more than I could list. My husband and I have gotten to know people we may not have met otherwise and this has been enriching. It is valuable to meeting the need we all have for a sense of community and meeting common goals. One feature I appreciate is the yearly cleanups that can be organized thru KIB( Keep Indpls. Beautiful -- see the link on home page) We have one in the spring and fall usually. Large dumpsters are supplied and hauled away. It takes a little planning (have a mtg. or phone calls-- with your neighbors) Shovels, rakes, some trash bags, etc. can be supplied by KIB and sponsors to have an organized effort to clean the curb. This in my mind makes a tremendous difference in the look of a block! A block can also obtain info on how to join 'Operation My Town ' and possibly quailify for free spring time flowers afer a year.

By Rose
How many people?

I have some interest on my street, but a neighbor said you can only organize on YOUR block! Her block is hopeless--can we organize several blocks together? I know you need 50% of residents to agree...
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How far can you see?

The best situation for a Crime Watch is what I call a ''Line of Sight'' in other words the best Crime Watches function when all of the members can readily see each others property. However there is always the exception to the rule, so get your people together and we will see what the boundaries are, the answer is yes under some circumstances more then one block can be organized. the Watch Rose and I are in takes in from 1000 North Gale to 1300 North Gale.
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Crime Watch

Sounds great and I would eventually like to be involved in a crime watch(we desperately need one or a more active one on Lasalle st) but currently Im new to my block and there are some people who I dont particularly want to be involved with specifically the group of hoodlums(Well I dont know if theyre really hoodlums they could just look like it) but the way people are being murdered every other day Im reluctant to find out.Especially at the expence of letting them know I will be the neighborhood snitch!This would not be quite so bad if I wasnt the newest person on my block.But maybe in the near future this would be a good idea.
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