MAY 7, 2003 PROGRESS REPORT on the
We are in the process of creating a neighborhood plan for UP. You are all invited to participate. Four committees are at
work on a variety of projects and simultaneously we are starting to draft the proposed plan itself. We hope and aim,
optimistically, for the finished product to be ready for your final approval at the UPCC October 1, 2003 Fall General Meeting.
The Steering Committee and volunteer draft readers will get review copies in advance for comment. The July draft will
include their suggested revisions. The date and place of meetings will be announced in the June UP-Words newsletter, on the
UP Bulletin Board in Observatory Park, and on this website. Please attend all the UP Plan meetings you can, as we need
everyone's participation all along the way.
Written Reports from the UPCC Feb. 5, 2003 Winter Meeting discussion groups gave us solid direction for priorities to
include in our Plan. There are well-defined concerns which can start being addressed by "plan committees" now, and broader
or more complex issues to be addressed in depth in the Plan.
On May 2 the City's Interagency Review Committee OK'd our basic "planning effort" and indicated it will be a prototype for
other neighborhoods. It will use the city's format and process.
Many UP residents and businesspersons interested in working on plan committees met for an update on April 8, and
organized four Plan Committees with the same themes as the February groups. Their reports include:
TRANSPORTATION/TRAFFIC - Identifying safety concerns where stop signs, parking problems, speeding occur. Chmn.
Bill Winn. Sidewalk needs will be addressed by Mary Myers and her sub-committee.
LAND USE/ZONING - UP "fringe areas" are major concerns...will map zoning and suggest buffers, overlays, etc. to protect
character of adjacent neighborhood, discuss (with city) guidelines for development, look at covenants created by other
communities, various regulations possible, identifying UP building owners to be sure to include them in our process. Chmn. is
Pat Cashen.
LEGACY (History, Trees, Park & Open Space) A UP tree inventory is planned, and tree care/preservation info distribution,
developing strategies to preserve and enhance UP open space and parks, and UP's important historic structures. A meeting
of this committee is scheduled May 27 - Whit Whitbeck is Chmn.
GOOD NEIGHBORING - Plan near-neighbor receptions at DU/Greek houses, schools, etc. suggest interest groups such as
photography, walking, DU lectures, etc. have an Art Fair, Picnic, local business-related events, street parties.
To sign up for a committee or project, or for more Info, please contact Rosemary Stoffel at 303-692-9197, Andi Malard at
303-765-0233, or Diana Helper at 303-733-4902.