Salvation Army Community garden

Posted in: Mitchell Park West

Penny Wilson  dropped off some materials describing some exciting changes for the Salvation Army property off 16th on Hardy. Most interesting  is the planned community garden on the property.  The site director, Captain Stephanie Bridgeo, states November 7 of this year is "Build Day,"  and she expects people will be able to begin gardening then.

She will be having a meeting soon for prospective gardeners and needs  many types of suppport:  garden leadership, expertise,"sweat equity" and  positive thoughts (aka prayers). I will update this when I find out more.  To contact Capt. Bridgeo, you can email  The site's address is 1619 South Hardy, Tempe, 85281.


Pat Konomos   

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While I wholeheartedly support the idea of community gardens, as well as the Salvation Army's disaster relief efforts, there are a few things that I find disagreeable with that organization that prevent me from supporting it:

1. When representatives from the church were asked at a neighborhood meeting why the Suriya Montessori School's lease was not being renewed, they gave an incomplete answer: "They were jittery about signing a new lease." The reality is, the Suriya family was forced into early retirement because the church tripled their lease from $800 to $2400 a month. Very charitable indeed.

2. The Salvation Army is a right-wing religious organization that lobbied in support of George W. Bush's Faith Based initiatives.

3. The Salvation Army is a billion-dollar a year business that gets tax-exemptions because of their charity designation and has come under the suspicions of Charity Navigator, a non-profit charity fraud-policing organization.

4. The Salvation Army openly discriminates against gay and transgendered people in their hiring practices. In 2004, New York City proposed a law that would have required all businesses, including non-profits, to provide equal benefits to unmarried domestic partners... The Salvation Army responded by threatening to close all of its soup kitchens in that city.

I think it's fine if anybody wants to participate in this endeveour, I just thought it would be good to know what kind of organization you will be dealing with beforehand. For me, the reasons above are enough to not want to participate in this.


I did several searches via Google regarding comparison of charities.  There was little negative information on Salvation Army recently published.  The Charity Navigator site says it can't evaluate SA,  on the page cited above.


Many well- meaning religious people  and organizations supported GW Bush, including some of my kindest and most humane relatives.  (alas!)


It's a gardening opportunity, not a fund-raiser.


I think it's fine if you don't participate, though.  Still trying to get updated info.






Well, the most I can learn about the garden  from Stephanie Bridgeo is that there will be a grand opening November 7 at the site. and that it was designed by Ryan Trudell, a landscape architect.  Anyone interested in participating or having a plot should show up that day to learn more.

Pat Konomos

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