Hey members of the UFPNA,
We have a city wide event coming up in September and I'm telling you about far enough in advance for you to add it to your calendars and make it a priority. We all need to work together on this one.
Every year the WNC holds a Chili Fest at the Old Waterville Fire Station. It includes tasting 12 different Chilis (HOT!). Face painting and fun stuff for the kids. A Flea Market which you may attend or where you may purchase a booth to sell your own specialty items for $25. There is live music during the Festival. An antique car show and lots of other events. We host this with the Waterbury Fire Department. The cost per ticket is $5 and it's more than worth it. This year our Chili Fest is being held on 09/12/10. If you'd like tickets contact me. This year we hope to raise as much as possible. Each year this is the only event where we ask association members and the public to buy tickets. It's our only public fundraiser. You can also volunteer to staff the event for an hour or 2. It starts at 12 noon and runs till 4:00pm . I've been there and it's well worth the price.
Let's do our part to make a difference.
Shelia, UFPNA President