UHNA's January rescheduled meeting will be this coming Thursday, February 4, 6:30pm, (note the new early time) at Sullivan College of Pharmacy meeting room, 2100 Gardiner Lane. Consider attending to share information and ideas regarding our neighborhood.
Wednesday's meeting is also a good opportunity to get any questions or concerns addressed by the UHNA board and Tom Owen's office. A district police representative will be attending to bring us up-to-date on recent crime reports, and we will be discussing a reforestation/tree planting project in the works; improvements to our UHNA newsletter/communications/social media presence; neighborhood traffic and street maintenance issues; and our annual summer festival at Atherton High School.
We hope that you will consider giving some of your time and talents to help UHNA continue its work to benefit the best neighborhood in the city!
Upper Highlands Neighborhood Association
Find Us on Facebook.Com: www.facebook.com/UpperHighlands
http://www.neighborhoodlink.com/Upper_Hi... (Note: underscore between 'Upper' and 'Highlands')