Uptown Planners

Uptown Urban Design Subcommittee Agenda - Monday, March 17, 2003

Uptown Planners Community Planning Committee

1010 University Avenue, Box 1781 San Diego, Ca. 92103 619/297-8769

Uptown Planners – Urban Design/Historic Resources Subcommittee
Monday, March 17, 2003 – 4:30 p.m.
Uptown Partnership
3108 5th Ave, Suite B
San Diego, CA 92103

I. Call to Order and Introductions

II. Project Review – Recommendations for Advisory Review

a. McLeland Residence – (carry over from last month) Don Hodges – Site Development Permit to construct basement and first story addition and detached two car garage to existing single family dwelling at 2905 Union Street using zero yard option. An 18,000 sq. foot site with sensitive hillsides.
b. Raley Residence – Dale Combs- (Process 2) Neighborhood Development Permit for Environmentally Sensitive Lands to construct a two-story 1,611 sq ft addition to an existing single family residence on a .31 acre site at 1831 Lyndon Road in the RS-1-7/RS-1-1 zone.
c. Forester Residence- Mark Tarasuck - (Process 3) Variance for a 100-foot long by 6-foot 6-inch high brick and wrought iron fence with two 7-foot high wrought iron gates within the required front yard setback and driveway visibility area for an existing single family residence on a 31,636 sq ft site at 4476 Ampudia Street in the RS-1-7 and RS-1-1 Zones.
d. 5th and Redwood – Marco Vakili- (Process 3) Site Development Permit for a 15 story mixed use building with 95 residential units and 4,100 sq ft of retail on a 20,118 sq ft site at 3060 5th Avenue and 3061 4th Avenue in the NP-1 and CV-1 zone
e. Britt Scripps House- Stephen Strock- (Process 3)Conditional Use Permit to convert an existing historically designated single family residence to a bed and breakfast at 406 Maple Street in the NP-1 zone.

III. Adjournment

Any items on the agenda or added to the agenda may be subject to preliminary review. This information will be made available in alternative formats upon request. To request an agenda in alternative format, or to request a sign language or oral interpreter for the meeting, call: (619) 236-6405.

Posted by alexsachs on 03/11/2003
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