Uptown Planning Committee
Tuesday, May 4, 2004 MINUTES of the
Uptown Planners Committee Regular Meeting
I. Parliamentary Items:
A. Introductions:
1. The following members were present: Roy Dahl, Alex Sachs, Leo Wilson, David Gardner, Erin Matthews, Terry Barker, Hirsch Gottschalk, Steve Satz, Sean Swerdtfeger, Ernie Bonn, Mike Singleton, Mary Wendorf and Ian Epley
2. Paul De le Houssaye, Marilee Kapsa, Allen Edwards and Jay Hyde were absent with excuse.
B. Adoptions of Agenda and Rules of Order:
MOTION that Action Item VI-a) be moved to Government Information III-2., and that The Montecito Point Tentative Map Waiver be moved to the regular July meeting of the UPC by Mike Singleton then seconded by Roy Dahl. MOTION CARRIED: FOR: 13 AGAINST:0 ABSTAIN:0
C. Approval of Minutes:
1. April minutes w/corrections were approved by a voice vote.
D. Treasurer’s Report
1. Checking Account: $550.96
2. Savings Account: $552.94
II. Public Communications:
Laura Emerick:
Representing Open Space Advocates of neighborhood parks. Commented that neighborhood parks need to be available to everyone 24/7. Questioned the off-leashing policy for various pocket parks.
III. Government Information:
1. Elected Officials:
A. Representative Margaret Radnick/Craig Casteneda for Councilmember Michael Zucchet –
a) Transit Overlay and Tandem Overlay motion to repeal recent changes in policy for some north communities. To be heard by the City Council on May 11th, 2004.
b) Councilmember Michael Zucchet leading the charge for the City of San Diego in the San Diego Chargers issue.
c) Craig Casteneda mentioned Michael Zucchet’s interest in the upcoming budget hearings.
B. Representative Monica Palaez for District 3 – Councilmember Toni Atkins
a) Parking in the median on Normal Street becoming an issue with parking enforcement. Councilmember Tony Atkin’s office is going to work with all parties on resolving the problem.
b) Monica mentioned the AB 2702 (restriction of local jurisdictions to ban companion units) bill. If interested contact State Assembly member Christine Kehoe.
C. Representative Robert Young for Mayor Dick Murphy –
a) Commented on the upcoming budget hearings and stated dates and locations of future meetings.
D. Representative Todd Gloria for Congress member Susan Davis – excused.
2. City Information Items:
A. Sewer Group Job No. 2001 – Kevin Joyce
a) Work on 5th Avenue will take 3 to 4 more weeks of construction.
b) Leo Wilson commented on the good job they did on Maple Street but had concerns about future temporary street closings
IV. Chair and Community Reports/Recommendations:
A. Chair’s Report/ Monthly Calendar:
Library Task Force: Ian Epley and Erin Matthews volunteered to join the Library Task Force for the Mission Hills Library branch at Front and Washington Streets. An Architect is to be named to do “bridging documents”. Lewis Street Park will be discussed at the May Mission Hills Association Design Subcommittee meeting at the Methodist Church The SDSU-Mid City-Downtown transit First Showcase will be held Thursday May 13th, 2004 3:00 to 7:00 at the North Park Recreation Center.
A. Community Associations and Committees.
1. CCDC- Sheila Hardin stated the success of the redevelopment revenues for new downtown projects.
2. North Bay Redevelopment Agency- Dale Pursel gave a report of the progress of the North Bay Redevelopment Agency’s Community Plan Amendment for the Midway Area.
3. University Heights Community Association- A discussion of the problems associated with the traffic light at Lincoln and Washington Streets were to be discussed at the next meeting.
B. Urban Design and Historic Resources Report.
Important projects coming on the agenda for the Urban Design and Historic Resource Committee meeting are: 222 Laurel Residential Project (Beth Israel Temple), The Monde residential/ mixed use project at 9th and Washington (Tentative Map) and the Nutmeg Street proposed street vacation (St. Paul’s Church) The HRB will be reviewing structures at: 4030 Sunset Road and 3736-48 Park Blvd.
V. Consent Agenda:
MOTION to approve the following consent agenda by: Leo Wilson
SECONDED: Steve Satz
MOTION CARRIED by a unanimous voice vote.
A. The Uptown Planners recommend approval of the Condo Conversion request by Robert Bateman for the project Meade Avenue Tentative Map Waiver located at 1636 Meade Avenue, PTS 26084, subject to the following conditions:
1) No waiver or exemption from state and local jurisdictional requirements that existing utility services for this property be under-grounded. Under-grounding of all overhead utility services is a critical infrastructure need in our community and is typically paid for by the developer. Exceptions may include alleyway above ground utilities or any utility planned and programmed to be under grounded verified by the local council district office.
2) The first right of refusal to purchase a unit be given to current tenants.
3) Historic sidewalk stamps and scoring of existing sidewalks be preserved. If sidewalks are missing or need replacement, new sidewalks will be built to match scoring, coloring, texture and contractor or date stamps.
4) If existing or previously constructed landscaping does not meet the current land development code landscape requirements, the project will be brought into compliance as part of this permit. The sidewalk and parkway planter configuration will be brought into general compliance with the City of San Diego Street Design Manual including streetscape planting requirements.
5) On-street parking be preserved in its current quantity and every effort be made to increase on-street and off-street parking where possible including re-striping and removal of underutilized curb cuts.
B. The Uptown Planners recommend approval of the Condo Conversion request by Robert Bateman and Carolyn LaFrance for the Sixth Avenue Tentative Map Waiver project located at 3200 Sixth Avenue, PTS 28339, subject to the following conditions:
1) No waiver or exemption from state and local jurisdictional requirements that existing utility services for this property be under-grounded. Under-grounding of all overhead utility services is a critical infrastructure need in our community and is typically paid for by the developer. Exceptions may include alleyway above ground utilities or any utility planned and programmed to be under grounded verified by the local council district office.
2) The first right of refusal to purchase a unit be given to current tenants.
3) Historic sidewalk stamps and scoring of existing sidewalks be preserved. If sidewalks are missing or need replacement, new sidewalks will be built to match scoring, coloring, texture and contractor or date stamps.
4) If existing or previously constructed landscaping does not meet the current land development code landscape requirements, the project will be brought into compliance as part of this permit. The sidewalk and parkway planter configuration will be brought into general compliance with the City of San Diego Street Design Manual including streetscape planting requirements.
5) On-street parking be preserved in its current quantity and every effort be made to increase on-street and off-street parking where possible including re-striping and removal of underutilized curb cuts.
6) Complete the double row of palms (queen palms) along 6th Avenue for the 3 - 4 missing palms. Palms should have a minimum 12-foot trunk height.
C. Stoia Residence – 4230 Arista – John Austin– Variance from Landscape requirements within the public rights-of-way. Mission Hills
Motion: The Uptown Planners recommend approval of the Stoia Residence – 4230 Arista - Variance request to reduce the front yard setback for construction of a wall, fence or gate with partial obstruction of sight-lines for driveway gate, and an exemption from the required street tree plantings subject to the following condition: The Board is concerned with any precedence that may lessen the typical street tree requirement but recognizes the desire to keep the view corridor open. We recommend either a small tree or palm tree or an increase in the other landscape requirements of vines and shrubs to mitigate for the lack of street trees.
VI. Items for Action:
Request that Uptown Planners Committee support the City of San Diego City–Wide Parking Task Force recommendations to the San Diego City Council.
MOTION to approve the following by: Alex Sachs
SECONDED: Steve Satz
Uptown Planners support the recommendations of the San Diego City-Wide Parking Task Force with he condition that UPC strongly encourages that the Uptown Partnership and the University Heights Parking Meter Parking District be involved in development of the meter program as crafted by the City of San Diego City Manager. Uptown Planners have concerns with the potential centralization that may reduce local input, but supports the streamlining and coordination intended by this task force recommendations.
VII. Urgent, Non-Agenda Action Items: None
VIII. Planning Committee Business:
A. Request for UPC members to form Rules Subcommittee. Result – Adhoc committee to be chaired by Leo Wilson with Hirsch Gottschalk, Steve Satz, David Gardner, Alex Sachs, Ian Epley, Ernie Bonn, and Allen Edwards as members.
B. Request for UPC members to form Resources Subcommittee. Result – Adhoc committee to be chaired by Allen Edwards with Mike Singleton, David Gardner, Terry Barker, Marilee Kapsa, and Ernie Bonn as members.
IX. Adjournment at 9:05 P.M.
Respectfully Submitted,
Ian Epley, Secretary, Uptown Planners Group