November 20, 2008
Guest Speaker:
Monte Harris
Barberton Drug Enforcement Officer
Drug trafficking, identification of trafficking patterns, personal and property safety.
Questions, suggestions and input from members requested.
Thursday, November 20, 2008
7:30 PM -8:30 PM
at the Barberton YMCA
December 2008 Meeting:
Jim Bauschlinger on Rental Registration.
January 2009:
Chuck Sandstrom on Barberton Community Foundation's Mission and grants.
February 2009:
Summit County Sheriff Captain H. Baker on Meth Awareness Presentation.
March 2009:
key speaker confirmation pending.
April 23, 2009:
Summit County Sheriff Drew Alexander & Bomb Squad Unit w/K-9.
May 2009:
Diane Sheridan on Planning Department services.
June 2009: Tim Crawford, County Council.
July 2009:
Steve Kyer on Mosquito District services.
Meetings arranged by Joyce Anderson @ 330.622.5809 or
Notice of the location, time and date for each meeting will be disclosed on our web site and/or by email upon confirmation of such.
Flyers/notices will be delivered to your residence 1-2 weeks prior to each meeting.