The meeting was called to order at 6:35 pm. Board Members present were Jessica Felker, Amy Monson, April Anderson and Tim Stephens by proxy. Also present was Lisa Horanburg from Tillett Property Management.
Management Report
The Board reviewed the work order summary. There are several items not yet completed. Management is working on all uncompleted work orders.
Homeowners Concerns
Unit #219 sent in a request for sunscreens. The Board unanimously approved the sunscreen request.
The minutes of the last meeting were approved as presented.
The financial statements were approved. The CD accounts have been opened for the utility companies. SRP and the City of Mesa will hold the CD?’s for 3 years. The interest from the CD?’s is transferred to the Associations checking account.
Old Business
Management received two responses from Homeowners who are willing to clean the pool for a reduced rate on Association fees. The Board agreed to give Anthony Barbuto a chance. Management will prepare a contract and e-mail it to the Board for approval.
Management is to find the best price for a minimum 20 gallon ashtray/garbage can. Management will check on the shipping costs.
Jessica has found a licensed contractor to install satellite dishes. The Board would like to see only one or two dishes per building. Jessica will obtain bids for the supplies. The cost for labor and cable will be unknown until they actually get into one of the buildings. Once an estimated cost is received, a survey will go out to the homeowners to determine if the homeowners are willing to proceed with a satellite provider and the necessary special assessment to cover the costs for installation.
The spa cover should be delivered by the end of May.
New Business
Management presented a bid to aerate the lawns and trim the palm trees. The Board felt that aeration is not necessary at this time. The dead areas in the grass may be from dog urine. The bid of $17 per palm tree was approved.
The cob webs on the buildings and around garage doors were discussed. The Board felt that if there are cob webs around the garage doors, the Resident should take care of them. Management was asked to get a bid to pressure wash the buildings on an annual basis, after monsoon season.
Management was promised a status on all the items requested of Graham Development. Rob Graham reported items are still getting done; however, he is currently hospitalized and will send out the letter when he is released.
The Board gave Management permission to purchase two more vinyl strapped lounge chairs for the pool, not to exceed $250 each.
A UPS truck backed into the building at #214. Damage is minimal but, Management will contact UPS to coordinate the repairs.
The Board authorized April to look into putting together a neighborhood watch.
With there being no further the business, the meeting adjourned at 7:30 pm. The next meeting is scheduled for July 17, 2002 at 6:30 pm at Tim?’s house (#227).
Respectfully Submitted,
April Anderson
April Anderson, Secretary