As many of you know, Home Depot is completing its plans to relocate to the northeast corner of Broadway Blvd and Prudence Rd. This relocation will certainly impact our neighborhood with an increase of traffic on Prudence Rd. It is stated as such in the Home Depot Broadway Blvd/Prudence Rd Final Traffic Impact Analysis prepared by Greenberg
Farrow Architecture. The report estimates over 7,000 vehicles per day will travel the intersection of Broadway Blvd and Prudence Rd. The report also states that ?“from a site circulation standpoint, WB-40 and larger delivery trucks will cause interference with smaller trucks and passenger cars near the driveway, which may lead to bottlenecks and conflict points at and next to the Broadway Blvd access point. It is recommended that the larger WB-40 and above delivery trucks use the delivery entrance off of Prudence Rd.?” Call (791-4687) or e-mail ( councilmember Carol West, Ward II to voice your opingion on this issue.