Vista Ridge Addition Homeowners Association

Annual Meeting Minutes 2004

Apr 01, 2004

Vista Ridge Homeowners Association

Minutes of the Annual meeting

February 16, 2004

The annual meeting of the Vista Ridge Homeowners association was held at the southwest sub- Courthouse on Monday February 16, 2004. Judy Gans, President called the meeting to order at 7:10 pm.

Judy Gans introduced the VRHOA directors. Judy Gans, president, Bernie Henyon, vice-president, Meri Stanley secretary, Janet Kraftson, treasurer, Nathan Outlaw, chairman of the landscape committee, Robert Thornton, director, Stephen Johnson, director. Richard Small has resigned from the board of directors and Bernie Henyon's term is up and he will not be running for re-election.

Meri Stanley, secretary, read the minutes from last year?’s meeting. Nick Baker made a motion to accept the 2003 minutes. Mel Gans noted a second, and all in attendance approved the 2003 VRHOA minutes.

Judy Gans gave a detailed explanation of the 2004 budget. She noted that we might have an increase in the electric bill due to possible increases from Texas Electric. She stated that we need to increase our miscellaneous budget due to unforeseen expenses.

Mike Brubaker asked if we could get competitive bids on landscaping cost. Nathan Outlaw explained in detail that we have had bids in years past that were very competitive with the "Dietrich" lawn service. Frances Pendergraft noted that the front beds are not equally balanced in the scheme of landscape design. More discussion followed concerning the cost of adding more flowers or plants or changing the design of the front beds. Bob Sanford noted he liked the front beds and was pleased with the design.

Nick Baker made a motion to pass the 2004 budget. Mike Stanley seconded the motion, and all in attendance passed the 2004 budget.

Nathan Outlaw gave his report on the landscaping. Discussion arose; some homeowners do not like the landscaping, whereas others do. Kelle Cline asked if a committee could be formed to do the landscaping work ourselves. It was noted by Nathan that it would be very difficult to please all the neighbors concerning the landscape. Cynthia Sedam stated that we should just work with the VRHOA board and landscape committee. Nick Baker states he is very picky with his yard and he is pleased with the landscaping.

Judy Gans gave the ACC report. The ACC has approved two pools and one out-building this past year, as well as house plans. It was noted to please come to the ACC for approval of your project before you begin.

The membership present voted in the new directors. Stephen Johnson was ratified to take the place of Richard Small. Mike Dietrich was elected and Janet Kraftson was re-elected to the VRHOA board by majority vote.

Judy Gans presented a proposal for a new gate. She gave a detailed explanation of the new gate and its operating process. The cost of the new gate is $7,621.56. This bid is from Bob Davis Fence Company. Discussion arose concerning the new gate, and if this was the best option for our community. Kelle Cline noted that the five gate companies she spoke with stated that we should have a sliding gate. Mel Gans stated that if we went with the sliding gate it would be close to $20,000.00 Discussion also arose concerning the lighting at the gate and could we please have more lighting at the call box. Ken Reinhard noted it would cost around $2,000.00 to run power to the light pole at the gate. He is still willing to donate the lighting. Judy Gans noted that the board looked at several options for a new gate and the board feels that this is the best option for our community.

Mary Baker made a motion to approve the new gate. Cynthia Sedam seconded the motion and all in attendance approved the new gate.

Judy Gans presented to the membership a proposal for security cameras at the front entrance to our development. The proposal includes two cameras, which are vandal-proof, and a digital video recorder. The cost of the security system is $5,729.00 plus labor charges. She noted that we have had mail stolen from two mailboxes in the last several months. It was noted that the thieves were able to forge a check from a stolen one, and steal several thousand dollars from one of our VR neighbors. It was also noted that the gate has been hit several times, thus causing the association to absorb the cost of repairs to the gate. She stated that she has personally received more than a dozen series of hang-up calls from the call box in the middle of the night. Vandalism has also occurred at the front gate in the past six months. Bernie Henyon noted that the association could open itself up to liability issues concerning the security cameras. He stated that someone could possible sue another neighbor for slander due to the video cameras. The question was asked if our personal homeowners insurance rates would be decreased if we had the security cameras. Bernie stated "no?’ that our homeowners rates would not decrease. Joe Klein asked where the system was going to be monitored. Judy Gans stated that, for now, it would be at her home. Mike Stanley noted that he checked with his attorney and the association has the legal right to put in the camera, however it could be an invasion of privacy. Michelle Davda asked could we have a manned gatehouse. It was noted that it would be too expensive for that.

Mary Baker made a motion to approve the security camera. The Briggs family seconded the motion. The majority passed the security cameras. Mike Stanley and Bernie Henyon were two dissenting votes for the security camera.

A proposal was made by the board to change by-law 3.03 from a 50% quorum to a 30% quorum. Discussion arose concerning how hard it is to get 50% of the association to show up at the annual meeting. It was noted that calls were made to neighbors to attend tonight?’s meeting and that is why we have a good turnout. Some neighbors are uncomfortable with lowering the quorum to 30%. Robert Thornton opposes the 30% quorum and stated he would like it to be 40%.

Joe Klein made a motion to charge by-law 3.03 to state that the annual meeting must consist of a 40% quorum. Mike Dietrich seconded the motion and all in attendance approved the motion.

Nick Baker made a motion to amend the second part of 3.03 to states that if there is not a quorum of 40% at the annual meeting that a second meeting be called 48 hours to 30 days later. At the second meeting, the quorum will consist of attendance, proxy or the board members present. Cynthia Sedam seconded the motion. The majority approved this motion. Michelle Davda was the dissenting vote on this motion.

Robert Thornton made a motion to ratify all previous VRHOA annual meetings, based on the fact that some of the meetings did not have the 50% required quorum. A second was made from the floor and all in attendance passed the motion.

A motion was brought to the floor by Kelle Cline for the ice cream truck to come to her house once a week, during the months of May-September. Mike Stanley seconded the motion. The vote was taken and the majority did not pass the ice cream truck proposal.

Cynthia Sedam made a statement that she is highly offended by any solicitations to her home, by way of mail or on her front door. She stated, "She did not appreciate the Halloween letter." Ellen

Leclaire stated she was "sorry" if she offended anyone; she is new to the neighborhood and was trying to meet neighbors and send out a fun Halloween letter. Ellen stated in the future she would try and send out letters to homes only with children.

Discussion arose asking parents to remind children of bike and scooter safety. It was also stated to please slow down when you are driving. There has been too much speeding in the neighborhood. Judy Gans stated that HUD might be building low-income apartments in the Hulen Bend area.

Judy Gans thanked Bernie Henyon for his service and commitment to the VRHOA. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15pm.

Submitted by,

Meri Stanley, Secretary

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