President's Column
Dear neighbors,
Welcome to spring! The weather has been wonderful and signs of blooms are everywhere.
The work on the front gates is nearly done. We have a few small odds and ends to finish up, and that project will be complete. Other than a little present from a birdie, the paint job looks very nice, and the new operators are both more aesthetically pleasing and quiet!
We do not have a start date yet for the surveillance equipment; we are currently trying to get in touch with the proper authorities at the city regarding installation of the outside camera. We expect to have the project done this month. Please watch the website for further updates.
The Board of Directors met March 17 and elected Jackie DiNubila to fill the position vacated by Meri Stanley. Jackie will also serve as secretary of the Board. We thank Meri for her service and welcome Jackie aboard!
Best wishes for a lovely spring and enjoyable summer!