Is your family thinking of having a family portrait done sometime soon? Please consider waiting until May. It's time for our church family to do a new pictorial directory. Pictures will be taken on these dates, May 8-10 and May 12 & 13. We would ove to have 100% participation of everyone who considers Woodland Heights their church home. Each participating family will receive a free Olan Mills 8X10 portrait and pictorial directory. There is absolutely no obligation to purchase additional photos. We will begin taking appointments in April so please mark your calendar.
Our directory coordinator is Joan Myers and working with her are Donna Brummett, Cindy Dawson, Janet Evans and Laura Harris.
Laura Harris will be collecting pictures of various activities, classes, groups etc. for special pages within the directory. If you have a picture you'd like to be considered, lightly write your name on the back of the picture, place it in an envelope and give it to Laura or the church office.